====== Course Reserves in the Catalog ====== Users may search the Evergreen catalog for course materials. * Select the "Search for courses" tab in the catalog {{:opac_course_tab.png|600}} * Search by any combination of course number, course name and/or instructor. {{:search_courses_opac.png|600}} * To include archived courses in the search, select the option to "Include Archived Courses?" {{:search_archived_courses_opac.png|600}} * Select the course link to go to the course in the catalog {{:course_opac_search_result_1.png|600}} * The course page will list all items associated with the course and will display relevant course data, including the instructor name(s) * Select a title link to display the course item {{:course_opac_search_result_2.png|600}} The item will display the reserve location, the modified call number (if applicable), the course number. {{:course_item_opac_2.png|600}}