====== Create a Purchase Order Manually Within Evergreen ====== Purchase orders can be created within Evergreen when you don’t have a file of MARC records to upload. There are a couple of methods you can use. You can create a purchase order initially by using the Create Purchase Order option in the Acquisitions menu, or you can create a purchase order when you select a title to add to a purchase order using the View/Place Order option. ==== Method 1: Create the Purchase Order Initially ==== - Go to Acquisitions => Create Purchase Order{{ ::acq_angular_create_po.png?direct |Create Purchase Order Dialog}} - Fill in the form. If you do not enter anything in the optional Name field the PO Name will be the PO ID. - Click **Create**. Your blank purchase order will appear.{{ ::acq_angular_pending_po.png?direct |Blank Purchase Order}} - :!: **Make note of the PO Name**. You will need it to add titles (line items) to your purchase order.{{ ::acq_angular_po_name.png?direct |PO Name}} - Go to **Cataloging => Search the Catalog (New)** and search for your first title. - From the record summary screen of the title you want to order click on the **Other Actions** menu and select **View/Place Orders**.{{ ::acq_angular_view_place_orders.png?direct |View/Place Orders}} - The **Lineitems Related to Bib Record** screen will appear showing the Record Summary and the line item that will be added to your purchase order. - Click on the **Add to Purchase Order** button.{{ ::acq_angular_add_to_po.png?direct |}} - In the input box that appears, enter the **PO Name** (or start typing the name and select it from the list) and click **Apply**.{{ ::acq_angular_add_to_po_name.png?direct |Enter PO Name to Add the Line Item}} - The purchase order appears with the line item added to it. - Fill in the Estimated Price in the line item.{{ ::acq_angular_create_po_enter_price.png?direct |Estimated Price}} - Repeat steps 5-11 to add additional line items to your purchase order. - When you have finished adding line items to the purchase order you will need to add the line item details information. ==== Method 2: Create the Purchase Order When You Add the First Line Item ==== - Go to **Cataloging => Search the Catalog (New)** and search for your first title. - From the record summary screen of the title you want to order click on the **Other Actions** menu and select **View/Place Orders**.{{ ::acq_angular_view_place_orders.png?direct |View/Place Orders}} - The **Lineitems Related to Bib Record** screen will appear showing the Record Summary and the line item that will be added to your purchase order. - Click on the **Create Purchase Order** button.{{ ::acq_angular_create_po_button.png?direct |Create Purchase Order}} - Fill in the form. If you do not fill in the optional Name field the PO Name will be the PO ID. :!: Do NOT check off the Import Bibs and Create Copies checkbox.{{ ::acq_angular_create_po_first_li_dialog.png?direct |Create PO with Line Item}} - The purchase order is created with the line item added to it. :!: Make note of the PO Name so that you can add additional line items to the PO. - Fill in the Estimated Price in the line item.{{ ::acq_angular_create_po_enter_price.png?direct |Estimated Price}} - You can continue adding line items using **steps 5-11 from the Create Purchase Order Initially** section above. ===== Add Item Details to Line Items ===== The item details represent the number of copies you are ordering for a particular title (line item). **Details include:** * Branch * Shelving Location * Fund * Call Number * Barcode * Circ Modifier * Collection Code ==== There are a few different way to add item details: ==== === Use the Batch Updater === See **[[purchase_order_overview#batch_updater|Batch Updater]]** of documentation on using the Batch Updater. === Apply a Distribution Formula === See **[[distribution_formulas|Distribution Formulas]]** for documentation on creating Distribution Formulas. :!: Distribution Formulas are optional. - In the purchase order click on the **Items(#)** link in the line item you want to apply the distribution formula to.{{ ::acq_items_link_in_lineitem.png?direct |Items Link}} - Click on **Distribution Formulas** and **select the formula** you want from the dropdown.{{ ::acq_select_distribution_formula.png?direct |Select Distribution Formula}} - Click the **Apply** button below the selected formula.{{ ::acq_apply_distribution_formula.png?direct |Apply Distribution Formula}} - A note will appear indicating the distribution formula that was applied.{{ ::acq_applied_distribution_formula.png?direct |Formula Applied Note}} * :!: If you want to delete the distribution formula click on the trash can next to the formula note and reload the page. - Click the **Save Changes** button.{{ ::acq_save_changes_distribution_formula.png?direct |Save Changes}} === Fill in the Item Details by Hand === See **[[line_item_items|Line Item Items]]** for more documentation on how to add item details to a line item by hand.