====== Credit Memos ====== 1. Go to **Acquisitions => Create Invoice** 2. Fill out the invoice header. 3. Click **New Charge** to add a charge to the invoice. {{:acq_ang_invoice_add_direct_charge.png?direct|New Charge Button}} 4. Click on the **Charge Type** dropdown and select **Credit Memo**. The Fund dropdown will become active. {{::acq_ang_invoice_credit_memo.png?direct|Charge Type and Fund Dropdowns}} 5. Select the **Fund** that will be credited from the dropdown menu. 6. Enter a **Title/Description, Author, and Note** to describe what the credit is for. 7. In the **Amount Billed** box, enter the amount of the credit as a **negative amount**. 8. In the **Amount Paid** box enter the amount that you paid as a **negative amount**. {{::acq_ang_invoice_credit_negative_amount.png?direct|Negative Amounts}} :!: Billed and Paid amounts should be the same. 9. Click **Save** and then click **Close Invoice**. :!: Amounts will not expend until the invoice has been closed.