====== Credit Memos - Legacy ====== Credit Memos are used to negate an invoiced amount. Credits are usually issued by the vendor and should be entered into Acquisitions after the original invoice has been finalized. {{ ::acq_credit_memo_open.png?direct |Credit Memo}} - Go to **Acquisitions => Create Invoice** - Fill out the invoice header. - Click **Add Charge** to add a line to the invoice. - Click on the **Charge Type** dropdown and select **Credit Memo**. - Select the **Fund** that will be credited from the dropdown menu. - Enter a **Title/Description** to describe what the credit is for. - In the **Billed** column, enter the amount of the credit as a negative amount. - In the **Paid** column **enter the amount that you paid as a negative amount**. - The Billed and Paid amounts should be the same. - When you enter a negative amount in the Billed and Paid columns, the Save & Clear and Prorate buttons are greyed out and the Total amounts turn red. - Click **Close** to close and finalize the invoice or Save if you need to finish the invoice later. :!: Amounts will not expend until the invoice has been closed. If you were to look at the fund details you would see the negative amount in red. {{ ::acq_credit_memo_fund_details.png?direct |Fund Detail for Credit Memo}}