====== Editing Users ====== It is not possible to edit the user's personal data from the Course Reserves module. However, the user's role and associated course may be edited. ===== Editing a User's Role ===== To edit a user's role: * Select the "Course users" tab from the course page {{:delete_course_user_1.png?600|}} * Select the user(s) to edit by checking the appropriate checkbox(es) * Open the Actions menu by selecting it or by right-clicking on the grid * Select "Edit Selected" {{:edit_course_user.png?600|}} * Select the appropriate role from the dropdown menu * Select "Save" {{:edit_course_user_role.png?600|}} If you select multiple users to edit, you will need to select a role for each one individually, clicking "Save" each time. ===== Editing a User's Associated Course ===== To change the course that the user is linked to: * Select the "Course users" tab from the course page * Select one or more users edit by checking the appropriate checkbox(es) * Open the Actions menu by selecting it or by right-clicking on the grid * Select "Edit Selected" {{:edit_course_user_course.png?600|}} * Select the course dropdown menu * Scroll down to select the new course {{:edit_course_user_course_1.png?600|}} * Click "Save" Editing the course that the user is linked to will remove the user from the original course.