====== Item Templates ====== ===== Sharing Item Templates ===== In Evergreen, item templates are all stored in one file which is associated with one's user account. In order to maintain accuracy and consistency, at each NOBLE library, there should be just one "master" set of item templates. This set should include all item templates used by staff at the library and should be maintained by the Technical Services Contact. If new templates are needed, the Tech Services Contact should create the new template(s) using their user account. The "master" template file should then be shared with all other staff who use item templates. In the same way, if an existing template is edited, the changes should be made to the "master" file. This file should be shared with all staff using templates. To share item templates: * Log in to Evergreen * Select Cataloging >> Holdings Template Editor {{:holdings_templates_share_1.png|600}} * Select the Export button {{:holdings_templates_export.png|600}} A file in .json format (e.g. exported_copy_templates.json) will be exported to your computer. This file contains all of the templates. Send the json file to the staff person who needs the template file, so that the file can be imported. Alternatively, if you can log into another staff person’s workstation on your computer, you can upload the file directly. When logged into the account for the user who will receive the templates: * Select Cataloging >> Holdings Template Editor * Select the Import button * Select the .json file exported from the original staff account {{:holdings_templates_import.png|600}}