====== Line Item Notes and Alerts ====== Notes and/or alerts can be added to a line item to call attention to it or to send a note to the vendor. Alert types include: attention, notify, replacement, and update. The number of notes and/or alerts in the line item displays after the Notes and Alerts link. If there are alerts for the line item, a red flag displays. {{::acq_angular_line_item_alert_indicator.png?direct|Alert Indicator}} If you want the alert to pop up when the item is received you must add the alert **before** you activate the purchase order (i.e. the PO is still Pending). If you add the alert to the line item **after** the PO is activated, there will be no popup when the item is received. The red flag, however, will still display in the line item.**See [[about_line_item_alert_notifications|About Line Item Alert Notifications]] for information on Alert behavior.** ===== To add a note in batch to one or more line item: ===== {{:acq_angular_line_item_note_options.png?direct|New Line Item Note}} 1. Select the line items you would like to add a note to. 2. Enter the note text in the box that says **New Line Item Noteā€¦** at the top of the line item list in the purchase order. 3. If the note is to be sent to the vendor, check off the **Note is vendor-public** checkbox. 4. Click **Apply To Selected** ===== To add a note or an alert to a single line item: ===== Click on the **Notes and Alerts** link in the line item. {{::acq_lineitem_notes_alerts_link.png?direct|Notes and Alerts Link}} You will see options for adding both notes and alerts. :!: You can add multiple notes and multiple alerts. ==== To Add a Note: ==== {{::acq_lineitem_add_note.png?direct|Adding a Line Item Note}} 1. Enter the note in the **Note Text** box. * If you want the note to be sent to the vendor (the vendor must support this), check off the Vendor Public checkbox. 2. Click **Create Note** 3. If you are done adding notes and alerts, click on the **red X** next to the Create Alert button or the click **Notes and Alerts** link again to close the box. ==== To Add an Alert: ==== {{::acq_lineitem_add_alert.png?direct|Adding a Line Item Alert}} 1. Enter your text in the **Alert Comments** box. 2. Select the type of alert from the **Alert Type** dropdown. 3. Click **Create Alert** * A red flag appears next to the Notes and Alerts link.{{::acq_angular_line_item_alert_indicator.png?direct|Alert Indicator}} 4. If you are done adding notes and alerts, click on the **red X** next to the Create Alert button or the click **Notes and Alerts** link again to close the box. ===== To delete a line item note or alert: ===== 1. Click on the **Notes and Alerts** link in the line item. 2. Click on the **red Delete** button next to the note or alert you want to delete. {{::acq_lineitem_note_alert_delete.png?direct|Delete a Note or Alert}}