====== Line Item Overview ====== A line item in a purchase order represents the title you are ordering. The line item tracks the number of items ordered for that title as well as the status and cost. * One line item corresponds to one bibliographic record and contains attributes from that record. * Line items contain item data and cost data, and can also contain notes and alerts. * A single line item can have multiple items. * Line items are color coded to help indicate their status. * Each line item has a unique ID. :!: When contacting support about a line item it is helpful to include the line item ID. {{ ::acq_angular_lineitem.png?direct |Line Item}} ===== Line Item Colors ===== A line item has a specific background color depending on its status. {{::acq_line_item_color.png?direct |Line Item Colors}} ===== Anatomy of a Line Item ===== **There are 5 "rows" in a line items.** ==== First Row ==== **Cover Image**\\ **Checkbox for selecting the line item** for applying batch updates and purchase order action. {{::acq_angular_lineitem_checked_arrow.png?direct|Cover Image and Checkbox}} Click on the **title link** to view the Bibliographic Record Attributes for the order. {{::acq_angular_lineitem_title_link.png?direct|Title Link}} In the Bibliographic Record Attributes display you will see **MARC View** and **MARC Edit** tabs where you can view or edit the MARC record associated with the line item.\\ The Return button takes you back to the purchase order. {{::acq_angular_lineitem_bib_info.png?direct|Bibliographic Record Attributes}} ==== Second Row ==== {{::acq_angular_lineitem_author_provider.png?direct |Author, ISBN, etc.}}\\ \\ \\ **From left to right:** * Author * ISBN, UPC, or ISSN * Publication Date * Publisher * The name of the Provider record or “native-evergreen-catalog” if the record was pulled into the purchase order from the catalog. ==== Third Row ==== === Line Item Status === The status of the line item appears in the oval box. The color varies depending on the status. {{::acq_angular_linitem_status_onorder.png?direct |On-Order}}{{::acq_angular_linitem_status_backordered.png?direct |Delayed: Backordered}}{{::acq_angular_linitem_status_pending.png?direct |Pending-Order}}{{::acq_angular_lineitem_status_new.png?direct|New}}{{::acq_angular_lineitem_status_cancelled.png?direct|Cancelled}} === Order Identifier === Changing the Order Identifier is usually only necessary with purchase orders that are created manually within Evergreen. If you have permission, you can also add a new order identifier by typing it into the input box. If you created a purchase order using a vendor file upload, the order identifier should already be set but there are some instances where you may want to select a different identifier or a different identifier value. For example: select the ISBN 13 instead of the ISBN 10. The **red number** next to the order identifier dropdown indicates the number of order identifiers available. {{::acq_lineitem_identifier_count.png?direct|Identifier Count}} If the purchase order has not been activated you can select the type of order identifier you need from the dropdown. {{:acq_angular_lineitem_identifier.png?direct|Identifier Dropdown}} If the purchase order has not been activated you can select the order identifier value from the dropdown. {{::acq_angular_lineitem_isbn.png?direct|Identifier Value}} If there are no identifiers (ISBN, ISSN, UPC) in the bibliographic record, the identifier dropdown will be highlighted in yellow. {{::acq_lineitem_no_identifier_values.png?direct|No Identifier Values}} === Estimated Price === The estimated price of a single copy is entered in the input box. {{::acq_angular_lineitem_line3.png?direct |Estimated Price}} === Line Item Actions Menu === {{::acq_angular_lineitems_actions.png?direct |Line Item Actions}} \\ **Mark Received** – Mark the line item as received (active if the line item has not been received). \\ **Mark Un-Received** – Un-receive the line item (active if the line item has been received). \\ **Update Barcodes** – Opens the Holdings Editor in a new tab. \\ **Open Holdings View** – Open the Holdings View in a new tab. \\ **Claims (# existing)** – Reports the number of items claimed. Selecting the option opens a Manage Claims dialog box. :!: Claiming is a manual process that NOBLE is not currently using. \\ **View History** – Displays the history of the line item in a printable, sortable, grid. ==== Fourth Row ==== {{::acq_angular_lineitem_line4.png?direct|Line Item Summary}}\\ **From left to right** * # of items (copies) you are ordering for that title * # of items that have been received * # of items that have been invoiced * # of items that have been cancelled * # of items that are delayed (backordered) * The estimate cost for the line item as a whole * The encumbered amount for the line item as a whole * The amount that has been paid (invoiced) for the line item as a whole. :!: This displays in red with the cost of the line item if the line item has been invoiced. ==== Fifth Row ==== {{::acq_angular_lineitem_line5.png?direct|Line Item Links}} **From left to right** * **Line Item ID** – The unique system identifier for the line item. When contacting support about a line item please include the ID of the line item in question. * The **number of holdings** for your library already attached to the bibliographic record the line item is attached to. The number displays in red if holdings exist. :!: This number is a snapshot taken when a file is uploaded and does not update when holdings are added or deleted from the bibliographic record. * **Items (#)** – The number of copies being ordered in this line item. Clicking on the link takes you to the Item Details View where you can add/edit items for the line item. See [[line_item_items|Line Item Items]] for more details. * **Expand / Collapse Button** – Opens or closes a view of the item details.{{ ::acq_angular_lineitem_item_detail_view.png?direct |Line Item Detail View}} * **Notes and Alerts (#)** – Displays the number of Notes and/or Alerts in the line items. Clicking on the link opens / closes a dialog box where you can add, view, or delete notes and alerts. See [[line_item_notes_and_alerts|Line Item Notes and Alerts]] for more details. * **Catalog** – Clicking on this link opens a new tab showing the bibliographic record display in the staff catalog. * **Link to Catalog** may also display here if the line item was added using the Add Brief Record form. This allows you to search the catalog for a matching record and link the line item to it if a record is found. * **Worksheet** – Links to a printable line item worksheet. * **Requests** – (not implemented) * **Invoice(s)** – Links to the Invoice Search tab with a list of the invoices associated with that specific line item. * **Provider Name** - Clicking on the link opens a new tab displaying the Provider record. * **Import Queue** – Clicking on this link opens a new tab displaying the upload queue for the records uploaded to create the PO. If the purchase order was created manually the queue link will not display.