====== Predicting New Issues ====== * From the record summary for the title, select Serials >> Manage subscriptions * Select Manage Issues {{:predict_issues_1.png|600}} * Select Predict New Issues * {{:predict_issues_2.png|600}} * The following interface will display with data reflecting the prediction pattern for the subscription: {{:predict_issues_3.png|600}} * The publication date should represent the next expected issue based on the issues already predicted. * If the prediction pattern includes enumerations, enter the next number in the sequence * Enter the number of issues to predict * Click to Save {{:predict_issues_4.png|600}} * The new issues will be added to the list of issues already predicted {{:predict_issues_5.png|600}} ===== Predicting the Next Issue Only ====== Alternatively, you may select only the next expected issue as follows: * From the Record Summary for the title, select Serials >> Manage subscriptions * Select Manage Issues * Select the last issue on the list (be sure you are displaying all issues) * From the Actions menu, select "Add Following Issue" {{:predict_issues_6.png|600}} * The following interface will display with data reflecting the prediction pattern for the subscription: {{:predict_issues_8.png|600}} * The publication date should represent the next expected issue based on the issues already predicted. * If the prediction pattern includes enumerations, enter the next number in the sequence * Click to Save {{:predict_issues_7.png|600}} ===== Adding the Next Issue as a Special Issue ===== It is also possible to add a "special" issue in this manner. In this case, after selecting Manage Issues: * Select the last issue on the list (be sure you are displaying all issues) * From the Actions menu, select "Add Following Issue" * From the interface, check the box for "Ad hoc issue" * Enter the date for the issue * Enter a label for the issue * If applicable, change the issue type (e.g. supplement) * Click to save {{:predict_issues_9.png|600}} The new issue will display in the correct row in the sequence of issues. {{:predict_issues_10.png|600}}