====== Processing EDI Invoices ====== ===== Workflow ===== 1. Retrieve your invoice. See [[retrieve_open_invoices|Retrieve Open Invoices]] for more information. 2. Compare the EDI invoice to your paper invoice and make any changes that are necessary to the line items. 3. If you have **Direct Charges** on your paper invoice do one of the following: ==== If the EDI invoice is delivered with direct charges and you Prorate charges: ==== * Click the blue **Prorate** button and then click **Close Invoice** to close the invoice. When you click the Prorate button you will see the Fund Summary at the top of the invoice populated with the funds and amounts that are in the direct charges. When you click Close Invoice the line item amounts will be added to the Fund Summary amounts. ==== If the EDI invoice is delivered with direct charges and you do NOT Prorate charges: ==== * Click the **Edit** button next to the charge or **Edit All** button to edit all charges, and select the appropriate "**(Non-prorated)** Shipping, Processing, or Handling" charge. * The Fund dropdown will appear. * Select your **fund** from the Fund dropdown. * Click **Save** and then click **Close Invoice**. ==== If the EDI invoice is delivered without direct charges and you manually add the charges to the EDI invoice: ==== **To prorate charges you add to the invoice:** * Select the **Charge Type** that does **NOT** have the (Non-prorated) prefix. * Click **Prorate** and then click **Close Invoice**. **To add non-prorated charges to the invoice:** * Select the **Charge Type** that has the **(Non-prorated)** prefix. * Click **Save** * Click **Close Invoice** See [[new_-_direct_charges|Direct Charges]] for more information about adding, editing, and removing Direct Charges.