====== Viewing Fund Details ====== ===== To see the details of a particular fund: ===== 1. Go to Fund Administration and click on the Funds tab. 2. Click on the blue Name link in the fund grid. {{::acq_funds_details_name_link.png?direct| Name Link}} ==== The Fund Details screen is a tabbed interface where you can access the following: ==== * The fund summary * Allocations that have been made to the fund * Money that has been transferred to the fund * Debits that have been made to the fund * Fund tags associated with the fund ==== You can also do the following from this screen: ==== {{::acq_funds_details_buttons.png?direct| Fund Detail Buttons}} * Create an allocation from a funding source to the fund * Transfer money from the fund to another fund * Edit the fund record * Set a default view for the screen