Table of Contents

Acquisitions Search Interface

There are four search interfaces that can be used to search acquisitions data. These interfaces are combined into a single tabbed interface.

The Acquisitions Search interface can be reached from the Acquisitions Menu using the following options:

Search Options

General Search defaults to the Line Item Search tab

Selection Lists defaults to the Selection Lists Search tab

Purchase Orders defaults to the Purchase Orders Search tab

Invoices defaults to the Invoice Search tab

Search Interface Features

Search Interface Features

1. Choose if your search should match all or any of the search terms you use in your search.

2. Select a search attribute from the drop down menu. This menu provides search options related to line items, purchase orders, selection lists, and invoices; the search results will return relevant line items.

3. The search entry box will display a controlled list of values via a dropdown menu when available. You will see this when searching for an org unit, owner, state, status, and provider, among others. Begin typing to see the values. Search is case-insensitive.

About Search Results

Grid Controls

Grid Actions

From left to right:

Grid Actions Menu

Grid Actions

Grid Column Configuration

Visible Column Name - Selected column names will appear in the grid.

Align - Allows you to align text left, center, or right. X returns the alignment to the default alignment.

Width (Characters) - Allows you to specify how many characters wide a column should be.

Move - Allows you to move the columns up or down using the up and down arrows. You can also drag and drop the column using the Drag and Drop Icon

Column Sorting

Sorted Column

Column Filters


Grid Filter Applied

Remove Filters Button

Types of Filters

Filters differ depending on the type of data you are filtering.

Date/Time Filter

Date/Time FilterBetween Date/Time Filter

Text Filter

Text Filter

Numerical Filter

You can type in a number or increase or decrease incrementally by using the up and down arrows. :!: The filter will close each time you click on an arrow.

Numerical Filter

Typeahead Filter

Start typing in the input box an a dropdown will appear for you to choose from. The more you type the fewer choices you will see.

Typeahead Filter

Org Unit Filter

Used for Ordering Agency

Org Unit Filter

Yes, No, Any Filter

Yes, No, Any Filter