Table of Contents

Activating a Purchase Order

This section covers the process of activating a purchase order, as well as issues that may arise during the process.

Activating a purchase order does the following:

In order for a purchase order to be activatable all line items must have the following:

Missing Data

If data is missing in any line item, or if the money you will be encumbering exceeds a fund warning or stop percentage, a note will appear in the top of the purchase order. The note will vary depending on what the issue is.

Problem Message
A branch is missing from one or more items A Branch is Missing From Your Items
One or more Estimated Prices are missing One or More Estimated Prices are Missing
One or more line items has no items No Items Warning
One or more items is missing a fund One or More Items is Missing a Fund

Missing data can be corrected by one of the following methods:


Over Encumbered Funds

If you are over encumbering one or more funds you can transfer money to those funds from other funds, or allocate additional money to those funds from your funding sources if you have any.

Problem Message
Your fund's warning percentage has been reached Warning Percentage Reached
Your fund's stop percentage has been reached Stop Percentage Reached

:!: Once the purchase order is complete the activation buttons appears.

Options for activation

After you click one of the activate buttons you may see a progress bar. The amounts in the upper right hand corner of the PO will update to show an encumbered amount. Currently there is a bug that prevents the line item colors from updating. :!: You will need to refresh the screen to see the updated colors.

Other Reasons a Purchase Order won't Activate

Occasionally when you load a file of records the incoming record fails to correctly match on an existing record already in the catalog. If this happens the Catalog link in the line item will display Link to Catalog instead.

You will also see the Link to Catalog link in a line item that has been added to the purchase order using the New Brief Record option in the PO Actions menu. See the example line item below.

Link to Catalog in Line Item

In either case an additional step is needed in order for the purchase order to activate successfully.

Option 1:

Use if you want to try to link to a specific record you know should be in the catalog. Otherwise use Option 2.

  1. Click the Link to Catalog link in the line item.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, click Submit. This will search the catalog for the terms already filled in in the form. You can also alter the search to just search title or just search ISBN. Sometimes a match is not found because the incoming record has an ISBN 10 and the record in the catalog has only an ISBD 13.Link to catalog Search Form
  3. If possible matches are found they will appear below the search box.
  4. You can click on the View MARC buttons to view the records. View MARC
  5. If you find a match click the Link button.Link to Bib Record
  6. The line item will now show the Catalog link.Catalog Link
  7. If none of the records are an appropriate match, or no records are found, click the Cancel button and use Option 2.

Option 2:

  1. Click the Activate button in the purchase order.
  2. A form will display.
  3. Fill out the form as below. OR If you have Load MARC Order Record templates set up, select the appropriate template.Without TemplateWith Template
  4. A status bar will appear and then the purchase order.
You will most likely need to reload the page twice in order to see the activated PO.