Available: The item on the shelf and ready for checked out
Checked out: The item is currently checked out
Reshelving: The item was returned less than 6 hours ago (After six hours, the status automatically changes to Available.)
Long Overdue: The item due date is between 42 days and one year ago, and the patron has been billed the cost of the item.
Lost: The item is was due between 1 and 5 years ago. (Lost items are not visible in the public catalog, and will be purged at five years.)
Missing: The item status was changed by library staff because the item could not be found. (Items marked missing are purged at 1 year.)
Claims Returned: The patron says they returned the item
In Transit: The item is in the delivery system, traveling to a library to fill a hold or to return it to its owning library.
Cancel Transit: The item is no longer needed to fill a hold, the transit has been cancelled and the item is returning to the owning library