NOBLE offers general PC support services to all members, plus an option for premium onsite service at an extra cost, provided by experts on the issues that our libraries encounter.
General Service
Services available to all as part of basic NOBLE membership are telephone and e-mail consulting, general training sessions at NOBLE, participation in group purchases and general information updates.
Premium Service
Premium services include onsite training and consulting, onsite hands-on service, and remote diagnostics and software loading.
NOBLE staff are familiar with the common software used by our libraries and how it is used. Using the NOBLE premium service saves the library valuable staff time, reduces downtime, and provides experience and insight gained from practice in other NOBLE libraries.
The cost of the premium service for FY2021 is a base fee of $295 plus $120.50 per PC or networked printer, $240 per server. There is a surcharge for libraries using PC reservation and printing systems of 7%.
Please direct any service requests via e-mail to
Detailed guidelines for Premium PC Support Program