Use of NOBLE’s meeting and training rooms is restricted to NOBLE-sponsored functions that directly benefit NOBLE and its libraries, and for meetings of NOBLE committees or committees with NOBLE representation or participation. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Executive Director.
By the terms of the FY’97 MBLC grant, the PC-equipped training room may be used by the Northeast Region for training sessions for staff of member libraries at a cost to be set by the NOBLE Executive Director.
NOBLE member libraries may use the training room for one half-day session per fiscal year without cost for normal use. Free sessions not transferable. The room may be booked for additional sessions at the current rate paid by the Region.
If equipment or software is altered or damaged, the Region or library will be responsible for the full cost of restoration. Scheduling of session is at the discretion of the Executive Director.
Approved by Executive Board 10/9/97