No bibliographic records for standalone web sites will be added to the NOBLE web catalog, only those linked to an owned item or licensed product meeting the following standards.
Use of Field 856 in Bib Records for Owned Items
We encourage the use of field 856 to provide links to related websites in the following circumstances:
There is a complete, online version of the cataloged item. Links to the online versions of federal and state government documents are specifically encouraged.
There is a site provided by the publisher that is specifically related to the individual work, providing substantial content.
We do not provide links to publishers websites that are promotional in nature, to movie sites from videos, to the Library of Congress table of contents server, links to FirstSearch or to any sites other than those described above.
No record with an 856 field should be added to the NOBLE system unless the URL has been checked before downloading and corrected if necessary.
Subfield z should be included with appropriate link text:
- Connect to the online version
- Connect to related website
Use of Field 856 for Licensed Databases
856 fields should be added to the item record for each library that has access to the resource. The link text should specify access restrictions– for example, Merrimack Campus Use Only. The URL may go directly to the resource for IP validation . The URL may go to an intermediate page if necessary to provide further access information.
Approved by the Meeting of the Members, March, 2003