To provide for consistent reminder notifications of overdue materials no matter where the items are borrowed or which library owns the item, NOBLE libraries will send the following mandatory notices:
- email notice to patrons two days prior to the item due date;
- overdue notice at 14 days overdue (email if available, print if not), public libraries only;
- long overdue/bill notice in email and print at 42 days overdue;
- email reminder at six months overdue.
A long overdue block will be placed on the patron’s record at 42 days after the due date. The block will prevent patrons from self-checkout/renew/holds. The block can be overridden by authorized staff in a library that is willing to check out its own materials, provided the patron is informed about the long overdue item(s), agrees to enter into an interactive process with the library to resolve their account, and a note is inserted into the patron’s record accordingly.
Libraries may opt for a shorter billing period for special categories of materials loaned only to users in their community or institution.
Member academic libraries may opt to have their faculty and students exempted from long overdue blocks for items owned by their institution.
The first two notices will be sent from the loaning library, the bill and reminder will be sent from the library which owns the item.
Opt-in email notices will be available for patrons at five days prior to the due date, on the due date itself, and at seven days overdue.
Approved by Meeting of the Members, June 9, 2016. Revised at Annual Meeting, June 14, 2018; March 17, 2022; October 20, 2022.