New Libby Feature: Deep Searching

OverDrive has added a great new feature called Deep Searching that automatically kicks in when a patron searches our collections for a book we don’t own. Instead of just telling the patron there are no hits, it does the following:

  • Title Owned by Another System: If the patron has multiple libraries (consortia) associated with their account in Libby, Deep Search checks to see if any of the patron’s other sites has copies of the title. If one or more of the other sites has a copy available, the Borrow option will display and when the patron can borrow from any of the any site that has it available: CW MARS, for example.
  • Title Not Owned by Another System: If the title is not owned by any of the patron’s libraries, Deep Search checks to see if it matches a title available through OverDrive. If it does, it gives the patron the Notify Me option. This adds a smart tag to the title and if the title is added by one of the patron’s systems, they will be notified.

OverDrive administrators can see a list of the titles with Notify tags added by their patrons for possible Advantage purchases in the new Patron Interests Manager in OverDrive MarketPlace. This can be automated and customized for different selectors — for example, you can set up a plan to automatically create a report or cart for all Adult Fiction and Adult Nonfiction titles that have at least 4 Notify tags from Beverly patrons, with all sorts of combinations of limiters.
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