Evergreen Self-Check Stations

Evergreen has a self-check interface that is available to all NOBLE libraries at no additional cost. The self-check is a set of screens that are accessed from a web browser.

To setup a self-check, you would need a PC that can run a browser, a laser scanner, and a receipt printer. You may also want to think about running the browser in kiosk mode, security for keyboard (if you use one) and mouse, or touch technology.

You can take a look at the self-check here: Self Check

You will need to login with an Evergreen staff username and password that has permission to checkout material. This login would normally be done once per day. You will be prompted to create a workstation name. The workstation can be used for circulation statistics, so you want to name it something like SelfCheck1, or AdultSelfCheck. Once you create a workstation name, you can browse to a URL with the workstation name. Be sure to include your library’s 3-letter branch code, for example:


Self Check is designed to have limited functionality so it moves patrons through the checkout process quickly. Patrons can checkout, see their current checkouts and fines, and view their holds. They cannot search the catalog or place holds. If there are any problems with the patron’s account, they will receive a message to see a librarian for assistance.

You can take a look at this on any workstation to see how it may be implemented in your library. Any device that uses a browser can be used, so an iPad or other tablet with a Bluetooth scanner are possible as mobile checkout stations.

Using Evergreen open source software saves thousands of dollars per self-check workstation compared to the costs for similar functionality in proprietary systems.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know.

The decision on a self-check vendor is intertwined with your security system, if you have one or are considering one.

The systems where one must desensitize something in the physical item are tied into self-check hardware from that same vendor.

Libraries with the Checkpoint type systems which require special date due cards have another level of complication outside of the hardware/software issue.