Present: As attached.
1. CALL TO ORDER /WELCOME - Marjorie Hill-Devine. Marjorie called the meeting to order at 10:05. John Beauregard introduced his staff.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The Minutes from the April meeting were not completed.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT - Tom Scully. Tom reported that the budget is 70% expended. There was no further discussion. Tom Cesarz made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, Linda Weinstein seconded.
4. MANAGER’S REPORT - Ronald Gagnon. Ron passed around the Member Directory for updating and requested also if libraries have an off hours phone number please add it because there are times when libraries are closed in the morning and we need to contact them. Or they can e-mail Martha with the number if they don’t want it in the directory.
Ron reported on the PC Support program. George Lally has been in the position about six months and is doing well. The program is going to be refocused to get LANDesk on all the PC’s that are on the program. This will enable George to perform more tasks from the LANDesk server and reduce travel time and costs. The cost for the PC Support program for FY 2002 went up 8% to cover additional costs for LANDesk licensing and purchasing additional software.
Ron and Elizabeth will be attending the Annual Innovative Users Group meeting in CA. They should be getting more information on Release 2001 and 2002.
The telecommunication conversion project is almost complete. There is one site left and should be done by the end of the month.
Ron has not heard anything further on e-rate funding in regard to the filtering issue for the Children’s Internet Protection Act. If libraries apply for e-rate funds for Internet hardware, internal connections or Internet connections then the filtering requirement applies.
Ron reported that we are looking to install a new phone system with voice mail by the end of June.
Ron stated the final Member’s Meeting would be June 21st at Abbot Public Library in Marblehead, with lunch following the meeting at the Corinthian Yacht Club. More information will be coming.
Elizabeth Thomsen. She has been working on EBSCO issues. There was a meeting with EBSCO staff and the Electronic Resources Working Group to go over enhancement requests and outstanding issues. In the fall a date will be set up for EBSCO to host a focus group meeting at their headquarters for library staff to attend. Elizabeth reported on the EBSCO training sessions that were just completed. During the summer one follow up session will be scheduled for the training that was done throughout the year. Elizabeth discussed two issues she is focusing on in the EBSCO work: 1) topical or special purpose guides, and 2) integration of resources from EBSCO to the catalog. She also discussed "snark" search boxes and search shortcuts, which can be linked to EBSCO.
Elizabeth discussed the web sites meeting held earlier in the week. This was for all libraries that have a web site, not just NOBLE-hosted sites. Libraries did a presentation of their web sites. Some are redesigning their sites and integrating EBSCO and NOBLE links to their pages. She discussed a script that Martha had written where libraries can take review file information and format what they want on
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book lists. Martha is also working on a script that will work from exported information from the web catalog.
On June 13th there will be a meeting of NOBLE-Hosted Web Sites. This meeting will be to go over some of the new options that are on the new web server. Elizabeth discussed that information will be going out to have staff set up staff patron records for themselves in the system.
Martha Driscoll. On July 1st the patron placed holds in the web catalog will be implemented. The software has been tested and no problems have been found. Martha reported that PC Patron, which is a companion to PC Circ, has been configured on the system. This product allows you to register new patrons when you are off-line.
Martha stated that the Percon Inventory Scanner is available for libraries to use over the summer. If your library is interested in borrowing it contact Martha. Michele is working on documentation for it. There will be a Localtech meeting on May 24th. George Lally will be discussing various PC issues. Microsoft is discontinuing support for Windows 95 at the end of this year. Windows 2000 is out and upgrading to this option will be discussed.
Martha reported that EMU Mail will be running shortly. This is a web based e-mail program that allows you to read your mail from a web browser.
The Brochure Committee and New Members Committee had nothing new to report and will be meeting in June. The Electronic Resources Working Group has not met since the last report at April’s Members meeting. The Database Quality Working Group is meeting on May 18th.
6. NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT. Barbara Lachance reported on behalf of Dennis Kelley stating that the Nominating Committee recommends Thomas Cesarz for Vice President/President Elect, and Mary Rose Quinn for Clerk. There were no further nominations, Linda Weinstein made a motion to accept the nominations, Tom Scully seconded the motion.
7. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The vote was unanimous for Thomas Cesarz as VicePresident/President Elect, and for Mary Rose Quinn as Clerk.
8. INNOVATIVE’S RELEASE 2001 - Ron Gagnon. Ron passed around documentation that lists the changes in Release 2001. NOBLE staff has been reviewing an earlier version of the software that is installed on the training system. Innovative is continuing the move to the graphical client product Millennium. Ron stated this Release has enhancements of modules that are existing, as well as having new modules and functionality, such as materials booking.
Martha Driscoll. Martha reviewed some highlights of the new Release. There is a new version of MilCirc, called MilCirc 4, which includes materials booking and the ILL module. MilCat, the Millennium cataloging client, is in this release. Web based documentation now exists on the server. There is a new version of Java, version 1.3. There is a new fixed linked birthdate field, and an agency field in item records. Libraries can attach cameras for patron photos, and library names can now be printed on check out receipts. Year-to-date circs can now be updated. This is a pre-release version and is being tested on the training system. Marjorie brought up the issue if there is going to be a limit on patron holds system wide or local to the library. Ron stated this will looked into further. Sue Koronowski asked about Picklist and if there are any statistics on ILL’s. She felt Lynnfield’s ILL’s were down. Martha stated there are not any statistics. There was some discussion about the Picklist and ILL lending.
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The new keyword search engine is installed on the training system and the reindexing has been completed. Elizabeth discussed phrase searching which is a change in the keyword search engine. Another issue she discussed is the option to do a simple one-word search or pre-limit an advanced search. A problem that has come up is if you do a simple search you get the results and a button that says "modify search". When you click the modify button it brings you back to the simple search screen and you can’t modify your search. You have to click on the advanced search option and you lose your simple search results. Elizabeth hopes to get this clarified and given a resolution to this problem at the Innovative’s Users Group meeting. Therefore implementation is on hold until after the meeting. Ron explained the re-indexing builds a new keyword index so there is a short period where the old index will be removed while the new one is being built. This will be done at a time when there will be little interruption to libraries.
10. ADJOURNMENT. Tom Scully made a motion to adjourn, Doug Rendell seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 11:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn