Present: As attached.
CALL TO ORDER /WELCOME - Deborah Abraham.
Deborah called the meeting to order at 10:00. She asked for a moment of silence in memory of the victims of
last week’s attacks. Deborah announced
that Martha Holden was appointed director of Peabody, and Linda Weinstein of
Bunker Hill Community College was retiring.
Directors went around and introduced themselves.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Thomas Cesarz made a motion to approve the Minutes from the June 21,
2001 meeting, Linda Shea seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.
TREASURER’S REPORT - Thomas Scully. The vote
was unanimous to approve the treasurer’s report.
MANAGER’S REPORT - Ronald Gagnon. Ron reported
he met with Rob Maier of the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners to discuss a
grant application for a digitization project.
The grant is approximately $13,000-$14,000 under the Innovative Grant
Program. The grant will cover the costs
of a scanning station and Innovative software.
Thomsen. Elizabeth explained the concept of the
digitization project is to enhance with images catalog records for local
history and other special collection materials. She did an overhead presentation with some examples and explained
how it worked. There will be a high
quality scanner at NOBLE with libraries to be trained individually on how to
scan images using the equipment using local images. If libraries need to scan more images after their initial training
they can reserve time to use the scanner and equipment at NOBLE. They may also continue the project at their
library on their own scanner, or outsource it.
The images can be stored anywhere.
For libraries with web sites hosted by NOBLE, the images can be stored
on NOBLE’s web server for an additional $10/month. Libraries whose web sites are not hosted by NOBLE can also store
the images on NOBLE’s server for the same $10/month. Ron stated that the grant is due next week and as part of the
grant three letters of support from libraries who would be interested in doing
the project is required.
reported that all meetings and training sessions have been scheduled from
September-December and are posted on the Staff Information System. She also replaced the “What’s Happening”
page on the Staff Information System with a list of what’s going on.
Driscoll. Martha reported that on August 5th
Release 2001 was loaded on the Innopac server.
A lot of work was done in preparing libraries for this release. PC Support Specialist George Lally has been
visiting libraries on the PC Support program installing Windows 2000. Martha reported also that the recent virus
did affect e-mail accounts on NOBLE’s server.
Martha is looking into loading some virus scanning software onto the
server. Also the Nimda virus effected
several PC’s at NOBLE and took a few days to fix.
FY2003 BUDGET - Ron Gagnon. Ron did an overhead
presentation of the budget. He began by
reviewing the FY 2001 Objectives that were accomplished and the new FY 2002
Objectives that were approved by Executive Board this past summer. Ron showed a comparison between FY 2002 and
FY 2003 budgets and explained that expenses are not
increasing dramatically, but our reimbursements are decreasing. Ron reviewed
the major resources for reimbursement, and two main ones, the
Telecommunications and Virtual Catalog Grants, are declining for this fiscal
year. Ron explained the amount for
operation and capital meets the CPI + 2% to capital guideline. Adding the second of two steps to cover the
base fee formerly paid by Bradford College accounts for the average assessment
increase of 8.65%. Ron showed a graph
that depicts budget percentages.
Personnel is the largest at 39%.
Members of the Corporation Meeting Page 2
September 20, 2001
Ron reviewed the budget line items:
PERSONNEL - Costs will increase by 2.5%, which is due to the
typical 5% step raises.
ADMINISTRATION - Expenses are largely level
for FY 2003. In the current fiscal year
budget however, the Furniture and
Equipment line item was increased to allow for the replacement of an aging
copier machine and to purchase furniture for a redesign of the Member Services
area. Also increasing are Travel, due to staff attending more
training and conferences, and Printing
to allow for costs for the NOBLE brochure.
NOBLE’s office insurance has been combined with our computer system and
power and HVAC insurance into one policy for lower total costs but equivalent
COSTS - Overall
the costs remain level. In our lease we
maintain a low per square foot charge if we do our own maintenance and
cleaning. Our lease will increase every
two years by fifty cents per square foot.
The next increase will be in FY 2004.
Utility costs increase
slightly. Most of the cost goes to
running the air conditioner to maintain the temperature in the computer room.
Most of the costs are included in the Per Staff Users. Computer
Supplies has decreased due to libraries running more reports locally, and
due to the use of standard computer paper for notices instead of custom-size
paper as with the old system.
cataloging is being done therefore costs are increasing, which is reflected in
the budget.
items cover our audit and legal costs.
Last year’s audit was more costly and complicated than usual due to the
Federal funds received for the Millennium project. There are no grants of that size for this fiscal year or next so
the usual audit will be done.
EDUCATION - Conferences is increased slightly, while
Training, and Books and Journals remain level.
These line items are to keep NOBLE staff up to date and informed on
systems and technology.
costs remain level. PC Upgrade allows for regular upgrades
of NOBLE office PC’s and software. Equipment, Other provides fund for
printers and other peripherals for PC’s and servers. Funds are also budgeted for Reserve
for Additional III Software for new software for the system.
The 2% Capital Contribution for FY 2003 is
$147,949, an increase of approximately $20,000 from last year.
PER STAFF USER COSTS - Ron reviewed the Central Innopac Maintenance, Data Lines,
Internet, and Data Comm Maintenance line items. The Central Innopac
Maintenance is under a four-year contract and will remain the same. Our Data
Lines are under a three-year contract and are level. Internet costs increase slightly for the upcoming year. Dimension
Data Maintenance is increasing. The
increase is due largely to monitoring costs. They have upgraded their network
monitoring service and provide 24 hour a day monitoring and diagnosis if a
problem should arise. The Power
Conditioner Maintenance was moved
of the Corporation Meeting Page 3
20, 2001
this page and remains level. Ron
explained the Federal E-Rate Discount
and MBLC Telecomm Reimbursements, as
well as the Branch Fees are applied to get the total cost that is used to
determine the Per Staff User cost of $1,006.
reviewed the FY 2003 Library Assessments and explained, with the exception of
Lynn, the average increase is 8.65%.
Libraries with more staff users will have a lower increase and libraries
with fewer staff users will have a higher increase.
Brochure Committee - Marjorie Hill-Devine
reported the committee interviewed three design companies recently. The committee asked them to submit a cost
estimate and description on how they would approach the project.
Holds Committee - Deborah Abraham reported
the committee met last month and is making progress. They will be meeting next month at which time they will have some
Electronic Resources Working
Group -
They haven’t met since the last meeting, nothing new to report.
ADJOURNMENT. Tom Cesarz made a motion to adjourn, John
Beauregard seconded the motion. The
meeting was adjourned at 11:40.
Rose Quinn