JUNE 20, 2002


Present: Seventeen libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet attached.


1.  CALL TO ORDER /WELCOME – Deborah Abraham called the meeting to order at 10:00.  She extended thanks to Mary Rose Quinn, who was unable to attend today’s meeting, for her service as secretary/clerk for NOBLE for the past two years.  Debbie also thanked Marjorie Hill-Devine for her work on the brochure committee.  Debbie reported that Diane Young, assistant director of Reading, is taking another job out of state, and Camilla Glynn from Salem State is retiring.  Camilla will be at the luncheon after the meeting.  Debbie reported that several people from NOBLE libraries gave a presentation on wireless at MLA. 


2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES – The Minutes from the May 16th meeting were voted on. Linda Shea made a motion to accept the Minutes, Martha Holden seconded the motion. The Minutes were approved by unanimous vote with no further discussion.


3.  TREASURER’S REPORT – Thomas Scully.  Tom reported that as of the end of May the budget was 80% expended.  Diane Smith made a motion to accept the report, Hugh Williams seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous with no further discussion.


4.  MANAGER’S REPORT -  Ron Gagnon reported that he and Elizabeth attended the ALA Conference. While there they attended an Innovative User’s Group meeting, and after the meeting met with the VP of Library Service and the Director of Customer Services.  They attended product update sessions presented by Innovative managers, and another by EBSCO where they demonstrated a new interface.   Two issues they researched while at ALA was using bibliographic database as an option for acquisitions, and using

one-search interfaces.  Prior to attending the conference NOBLE had sent a list of top ten holds enhancements to Innovative’s Vice President of Product Management.  She has received it and will be reviewing it. 

NOBLE has been invited to attend another Consortium Partners Meeting to be held this fall at Innovative’s headquarters in California. 


NOBLE 101, which is an introductory meeting about NOBLE, is scheduled for September 10th.  This is for any library staff member who is interested in learning more about NOBLE and its operations.  It will be held in the meeting room at NOBLE, registration is not required. 


State Budget – Ron reported that the Senate approved their version of the budget and they didn’t add back any funds to libraries.  The House and Senate versions are very different therefore a House-Senate Conference Committee has been appointed to discuss this.  Ron will be faxing out information on this.


CIPA – Ron reported that the Federal Court overturned the filtering issue of this act.  There is a part that remains that in order for public libraries, whether individually or part of a consortia, to receive E-rate funding they need to meet the requirements of an Internet Use Policy.  Ron will be sending out information on these requirements.  He may need to have libraries look into this if NOBLE is to receive

E-rate funding, which is approximately $10,000 per year.


PC Support – Ron reported that Executive Board approved a 3.2% increase on the per PC cost and is keeping the base fee the same for next fiscal year.  Libraries will have between and a 1.5% - 3% increase depending on the amount of PC’s a library has on the program.  Currently all fifteen libraries on the program will be participating next fiscal year.  Ron explained that Martha and George are looking into

other software packages to use in the Program other then the current Intel LanDESK, which has an increasing on-going maintenance cost and requires a lot of time to maintain and manage.


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Elizabeth Thomsen – Elizabeth discussed what new products EBSCO and Innovative presented at ALA.

She attended the EBSCO update session, which showed the new interface that will be out this summer and also attended a meeting of the EBSCO Software Advisory Council.  This is a group of librarians that can review a product while at the concept stage and before goes to the beta stage.  Elizabeth reported that some new developments in the academic databases are being reviewed.  Also being researched is integration between NoveList and the other EBSCO databases. 


Elizabeth reported that Innovative is working on a product called Electronic Resource Management.  The concept of this product is to provide a place within the Innovative system to put in a record for a database.  Also the Web Bridge product, which allows you to do “intelligent linking” from within the catalog, is becoming more important.  It allows you to link searches to other web sites.  She also briefly discussed that XML is becoming more standard with our vendors.  In the fall will be the full implementation of cascading style sheets throughout the web catalog.  This will make it easier to make changes in the results screen.  On another issue Innovative and Baker & Taylor are working on an electronic invoicing system.


Roundtables – Elizabeth reported on the following roundtable sessions that were held since the last Members Meeting: Library Web Site Showcase, OCLC Tech Services, Public Library Collection Management, and Children’s Services. 


Martha Driscoll - Martha reported the changeover to Genuity for Internet has taken place.  An engineer from Atrion was at NOBLE during the changeover.  Genuity had the DNS changes done around mid-day and the whole process took over a day.  Overall everything went well, except for a router problem with Northern Essex which took a couple of extra days to resolve.


Martha and George Lally will be attending Windows 2000 training all next week and will not be in the office.


Martha reported that in July the long overdue material from 1997-1998 would be purged.  After that it will be done on an annual basis starting in January with material from 1999.


5)  APPROVAL OF STRATEGIC PLAN – Deborah Abraham explained that a long range plan is required in order to secure grants and subsidies.  The plan establishes priorities and determines goals and objectives. It also includes NOBLE’s action plan for fiscal year 2003.  Deborah reviewed the process on how the Strategic Plan was derived.  She thanked Ron for the work he did on the history section of the plan.  Debbie pointed out this is a five year plan and reviewed some highlights of each section.  She opened the floor for discussion.  Marjorie Hill-Devine stated she thought the history section was well written. There was a brief discussion on the Strengths Section, particularly the length of time NOBLE staff have held their positions.  There is not a concern of a high turnover.  Deborah asked for a motion of approval.  Tom Scully made a motion for approval of the Strategic Plan, Hugh Williams seconded the motion.  The vote to accept the Plan was unanimous with no further discussion.


6)  MBLC TELEVISION AND RADIO SPOTS -  Ron explained that the MBLC has contracted with an advertising agency for an advertising campaign promoting the MBLC.  The ads will appear on television and radio this fall.  He demonstrated an audio and videotape of the campaign provided by the MBLC. 


7)  IMAGING UPDATE – Elizabeth Thomsen.  Elizabeth reported she hired a new part-time cataloger, Jessica Weiss, who has been working on the imaging project.  This project gives libraries a way to scan images and start digitizing some collections or use the images in other ways. Library staff can schedule a time to come to NOBLE to train on the scanning equipment.  NOBLE staff will assist in linking the image to an existing bib record or creating a bib record for new items. Elizabeth did an overhead presentation of various images in the catalog.  One area of the project that is being worked on is


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enhancing bibliographic records for books.  Another area is cataloging images that don’t go with books, such as the Beverly Library is cataloging postcards. 


Booklists from the Catalog – Elizabeth explained that Martha created a script that will take titles that are searched from the catalog and put them into a booklist.  She demonstrated how this is done.  The script can also be customized.  Another way to do this is by doing a bar code search in the catalog.  This option can be done from the Staff WebPAC account, it is not displayed on the public catalog.  Another shortcut that can be done is in connection with title searches on the personal tool bar.  This is documented on the Staff Information System under Webcat Booklists Scripts. 


Acquisitions Update – Elizabeth reported on the progress of acquisitions. She discussed several issues that have made this a complicated implementation: fund accounting, workflow changes, and the interrelationships with vendors.  There are new options that will be out with the next release in the fall.  Also Innovative is working with vendors for standards of getting information back into the system.




Electronic Resources Working Group -  Deborah Abraham reported that Jeff Klapes will be the new chairperson replacing Camilla Glynn.  Elizabeth stated that a survey was sent out to Members on the topic of how people feel about cataloging web sites. 


Database Quality Working Group – Haven’t met since the last Members meeting. Nothing new to report.


Wireless Committee – Deborah reported they are putting together information to post on NOBLE’s web site.  Also they are working on an outline for a suggested policy statement to present to Members.


Holds Committee – Tom Cesarz reported they haven’t met.  Martha sent in several enhancement requests to Innovative, but haven’t heard back yet. 


Ann Tullson asked about the status of the new imaging software, Syndetics.  Ron said he has pricing for it and since it would be a system wide option it would have to part of the budget discussion in the fall.


Bonnie Strong asked if libraries are having trouble with patrons changing settings or downloading from web sites.  There was a brief discussion.  Martha said that as part of the Windows Security training she and George will be attending they would be looking for ways to simplify security on PC’s.


9) ADJOURNMENT.  Linda Shea made a motion to adjourn, Diane Smith seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 11:35.




Respectfully submitted,



Doug Rendell

For Mary Rose Quinn