Present: Twenty-two libraries were represented at
the meeting, attendance sheet attached.
CALL TO ORDER /WELCOME - Deborah Abraham.
Deborah called the meeting to order at 10:05.
OF MINUTES. John Beauregard made the motion to accept
the Minutes from the September 19, 2002 meeting, Alyce Deveau seconded the
motion. The vote was unanimous.
reported spending is on target at 26% through September 30th. Tom Cesarz made a motion to accept the
treasurer’s report, Linda Shea seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
REPORT – Ron Gagnon. Ron reported he and Elizabeth
attended a second Consortia Partners Meeting at Innovative
headquarters in California. Issues that
were discussed at the first meeting are being developed and will be out in next
year’s release. Holds are an on-going
discussion. Ron stated that during the
Help Desk presentation, Michele Morgan was mentioned as an example of following
the proper procedure of submitting detailed problem requests and following
Network -
On October 3rd representatives visited NOBLE to discuss the
Innovative System. They are in the
process of negotiating a contract with Innovative. Ron stated it is beneficial to work with Minuteman as they have
needs similar to ours. Debbie Abraham
added that she spoke to Carol Caro and she praised the assistance that NOBLE
staff provided for them.
Statistics -
NOBLE staff is continuing work with Innovative testing Millennium Statistics on the training system. One of the main benefits is that it allows
downloading directly to Excel. It will
be ready to move the main system shortly.
Network Administrators Meeting - Ron reported the main discussion was budget issues. MBLC submitted a budget with no
increases. They and the Region are
still negotiating with Gale about database reductions. Ron reported that five other networks,
Minuteman, SAILS, CW/MARS, MVLC, and Old Colony, will have an average increase
of 9.3% in their member assessment for FY 2004. Also Ron stated that at the Commissioner’s meeting it was
announced Rob Maier was appointed new director of MBLC.
ILL Contract – The Region’s ILL
Committee is meeting this afternoon at NOBLE.
Ron has received a proposed revised contract, which shows a reduction
from $87,000 to $80,000. Some expenses will be reimbursed. Ron explained the impact this will have on
libraries. Libraries will either have
to ship back their out of state materials, or return them to NOBLE to send and
the region will charge the library $2.50.
If handling costs exceed $15 the full cost will the library’s
responsibility, the Region won’t be paying it.
Training/Meetings -Elizabeth Thomsen was
unable to attend today’s meeting, therefore Ron handed out the training and
meeting schedule for the fall. It is
also on the Staff Information System.
Recent training and meeting sessions that took place were: Windows 2000
Security, Atrion Wireless Presentation, and an EBSCO Presentation at their
headquarters. NOBLE will be
co-sponsoring with Salem State College an Electronic Serials Session on October
29th , organized by Nancy George.
Ron also handed out the schedule for the Members meetings and Executive
Board meetings for FY 2003, which is also on the Staff Information System.
Gates Grant Fund – Everett, Gloucester, Lynn,
Revere, Salem, and Swampscott are getting PCs from the Gates Grant. They come with switches that will improve
throughput within a library’s building.
Martha will discuss this with libraries and more information will be
sent out.
of the Corporation Meeting Page
17, 2002
Publicity - NOBLE had a free ad in the Salem Evening News on October 2nd.
Innovative’s newsletter INNTouch had an
article on NOBLE’s swap shop of system improvements.
and Elizabeth will be attending NELA
on October 22nd. Also on
October 30th CW/MARS is holding their 20th Anniversary
Day that Ron will be attending.
Statewide Virtual Catalog – Martha has been working on
the profiling for this project. The
virtual catalog is a separate library system that links to other libraries’
systems to facilitate interlibrary loan and is run by the Boston Library Consortia. NOBLE staff will have training in December
with epixtech, providers of the URSA system used by the virtual catalog. Information and perhaps training for library
staff will follow.
Hardware Maintenance
Contract –
As of October 1st our contract is with Compaq/HP for hardware and
operating system support. Previously
Innovative was the middleman, but now we deal directly with Compaq.
Circulation Roundtable - Sessions for public and
colleges are coming up in November.
PC Support - Continuing to set up Remote Administrator. This is the program that was purchased to be
able to remotely control PC’s that are on the PC Support Program. Also George is looking into removing WinU as
security on some PC’s. There apparently
is a conflict with Windows 2000 on public PC’s.
Item Purging - Will be done this month for
items that were marked missing last October.
Web Addresses for Libraries – For libraries whose web
site NOBLE hosts, they can have their own web address instead of going through Anyone interested
should contact Martha.
5. FY 2004 ACTION PLAN – Ron Gagnon. The Action Plan was approved by Executive Board on October 9th
, and is posted on the Staff Information System. Ron explained that the Action Plan is required by MBLC for any grant
funding, as well as for funding through LSTA programs. This action plan is for FY 2004, which is
required to be submitted a year in advance.
Ron explained that to keep current with technology one of the main
objectives in the Plan is to obtain new hardware. Our current main system hardware is three years old and hardware
should be upgraded every five to six years.
The LSTA process takes a while, therefore the objective is to start
preparation for a potential new hardware purchase in 2005. Ron reviewed the Goals and Objectives. He explained that some objectives are
continued from year to year. Other
highlights Ron reviewed are Interlibrary Resource Sharing, Collection
Management, Maintain Reliable World Wide Web Network Service, Provide Staff
Development for member Libraries, Support Continuing Education for NOBLE Staff,
Pursue Funding Opportunities, Develop Partnerships with Organizations to
Advance Service to Members, Raise Awareness of NOBLE Services, and Improve
Planning Process.
Beauregard asked about the advantages and disadvantages of using Category 7 for
wiring. Currently NOBLE uses Category
5. This can be looked into.
Scully made a motion to accept the FY 2004 Action Plan, John Beauregard
seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
6. FY 2004 BUDGET VOTE - Deborah Abraham stated the budget was presented at September’s meeting and opened the floor for discussion. Sharon Gilley asked Ron what he thought about FY 2005. He stated it would be a hard year because the effects will be felt the most in that year. Decisions would have to be made regarding member assessment increases and/or cutting services. NOBLE has had surplus carryovers to help with this year and FY 2004 budgets, but that won’t be the case in FY 2005. There was
Members of the Corporation Meeting Page 3
October 17, 2002
discussion about pursuing new members to bring in more income, but most
institutions are facing their own financial cutbacks. Tom Cesarz made a motion to approve the FY 2004 Budget, Marjorie
Hill-Devine seconded the motion. Secretary, Kimberly Lynn, took the roll call vote (copy attached). The vote was unanimous from the twenty-two libraries that were represented. Libraries not present were
Marblehead, Montserrat College, Revere, and Stoneham.
7. E-RATE AND TECHNOLOGY PLAN UPDATE – Ron Gagnon. Ron explained NOBLE is required to submit a Technology Plan to MBLC and to obtain e-rate funding. Last plan done was a three-year plan. Ron recently submitted a One-Year Technology Plan to the MBLC for FY 2003, which was approved. Later on this fiscal year a three-year plan will be prepared. Related to this, public library directors need to submit forms to Ron that address the requirements of the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act. The forms are required to receive the $10,000 annually in e-rate Internet funding. Ron will begin the e-rate funding process for FY 2004 shortly.
Deborah Abraham stated that the following working groups have been established for this fiscal year: Database Quality, Electronic Resources, Holds Committee, and Wireless Committee. Memberships on the groups are almost the same except for a few vacancies that will need to be filled.
The meeting as adjourned at 11:10.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberly Lynn