Present: Sixteen libraries were represented at the
meeting, attendance sheet attached.
1. CALL TO ORDER. Deborah Abraham called the meeting to order at 10:10.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Tom Cesarz made a motion to accept the Minutes from the November
21st meeting, Doug Rendell seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT - In Tom Scully’s absence Ron Gagnon discussed the report. The audit is complete and the tax returns
have been filed. Line items that had
audit adjustments are in bold. The only
exception is line item 65840, Equipment Other, which was for the purchase of a
network printer for notices.
Expenditures are at 47% six months through the fiscal year. Carol Gray moved to accept the treasurer’s
report, Mary Rose Quinn seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.
4. MANAGERS’ REPORT. Ron handed out NOBLE’s Member Directory for updating.
Library Loan Rules – This issue was brought up at
the November meeting regarding libraries not honoring loan rules of the owning
library. Ron sent out a message to
directors and circulation email group on December 2nd restating what
the policy is. The violations have
continued, therefore Ron contacted the library directors whose libraries had
the worst offenses. NOBLE staff will
continue to monitor this issue and contact the libraries as needed. Hands-on circulation training to be held in
June will cover these kinds of issues.
All libraries will be required to send one person of authority who can
train their library staff.
Organization Meeting – Ron, Elizabeth, and Martha
met to review their objectives for the fiscal year. They are on schedule, with the exception that the catalog
redesign will be in June instead of January.
E-rate – Form 470 was posted in
November. Ron was contacted by other
network maintenance vendors and met with some.
NOBLE will continue with Atrion. Form 471 will be filed over the next
few weeks.
Virtual Catalog – NOBLE staff had training on
December 18th. There is a
Manager’s Overview tentatively scheduled for the second half of February’s
Members Meeting.
III Software Updates – Phase 2 of Release 2002 has
been loaded on the training system.
Millennium Statistics is currently being beta tested on the training
system. Millennium Acquisitions V.3
will also be beta tested. A message was
posted to directors and local tech that Windows 2000, NT, or XP will be
required to run this Millennium Upgrade.
The cost is $50/upgrade license through the state software vendor, ASAP.
ILL Meeting – Ron, Elizabeth, and Marilyn
Graves attended the annual NMRLS ILL Meeting at Hamilton/Wenham. Many libraries are now doing their own
shipping due to the charges, therefore NOBLE’s shipping volume is down.
Conferences/Meetings - Elizabeth will be speaking
at the IUG meeting preceding the ALA Mid-Winter Conference next week. In April, Ron and Elizabeth will be
attending the Annual IUG Meeting in California. While there Elizabeth will present three sessions of Create Lists & Beyond. Ron and Elizabeth will also be attending the
Annual ALA Conference in June.
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16, 2003
PC Support – George Lally will be
attending training sponsored by the Gates Foundation in Seattle, WA. Travel,
lodging and training are all paid by the Gates Foundation.
Thomsen. Reopened the search for a part-time
cataloger. She also is working on
Retrocon projects with Winthrop and Merrimack.
Collection Management – A meeting is scheduled for
February 13th, which will be an overview of ideas and what is planned. Reports for smaller topics have been
reviewed, now need to find ways to extract the data for larger higher interest
topics. Another concept being reviewed
is Subject Strengths. Each library has subject strengths that they
may base their purchases on. By
comparing a particular subject to what other libraries are purchasing in that
subject this will validate if those subjects are being circulated as
expected. This concept will helpful in
reviewing books that were purchased the previous year and seeing how often they
Training – Elizabeth reviewed the
training schedule for January – June.
Catalog Redesign – Elizabeth is working on this
project with the Electronic Resources Working Group.
Beauregard mentioned that many times when a search is done the answer is below
the bottom of the screen. Elizabeth
stated she is aware of this and will be fixed in either Phase 2 or 3.
another matter a bib record was set up for Harry Potter Book 5. Release date is June 21st,
therefore having the bib record set up now will help in moving the “holds”
along in June.
Handed out a chart showing the Millennium releases, Java version, and beta
tests scheduled for this year. This is
on the Staff Information System.
Domain Names – Libraries can have their
own domain name for their web site, i.e. The cost to register a domain is $25 per
year. Martha handed out information on
this. Please contact her if interested in
doing this.
explained when we went to the III system there were guidelines and procedures
that were set up by a working group to register borrowers, but was never made a
policy. The older policy in place makes
reference to the Geac System. Ron and
Martha worked on a revision merging these two documents. Ron posted this revised version to directors
and it was approved at Executive Board.
One change that came up was the issue of colleges serving public library
patrons that didn’t already have a card.
The new concept is issuing these patrons a “generic” NOBLE public
library card. These will be provided to
the college libraries at NOBLE’s cost so they can register a public library
patron and the card could be used in the public libraries. Some new text was added to the policy
regarding not altering college patron records.
Alyce Deveau moved to accept the revised policy, Mary Rose Quinn
seconded the motion. The vote was
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6. COVER IMAGES. Deborah Abraham reviewed
what the concept is about. She
explained that many web sites use cover images and this would be a step in
moving NOBLE’s catalog forward. The
cost would be $150 per library. Deborah
stated Mary Ann Niles offered to share the costs with other Members that could
fund it. Ron had polled directors to
see where they stand on this issue. Out
of 22 responses, 16 were for and 6 against.
A discussion ensued. Dennis
asked about the possibility of NOBLE funding the cost. Ron stated NOBLE could fund the cost if
that’s the Members consensus. The
annual cost is $3,800. The discussion
continued, but no conclusion was forthcoming.
Tom Cesarz moved to table the issue and have Executive Board discuss
other options for financing at their next meeting. Doug Rendell seconded the motion, the motion passed.
7. VIRTUAL CATALOG CONFIDENTIALITY ISSUE. The Boston Library Consortium operates and is the fiscal agent
for the Statewide Virtual Catalog direct interlibrary loan system. Epixtech is the provider of the Virtual
Catalog software. While Epixtech
trainer Ken Bonney and BLC project
manager Sonya Walters were at NOBLE training staff, two issues came up that
conflict with NOBLE policy. One is no
PIN is required to log in, and the other issue is that transactions are stored
on the system forever. These conflict
with NOBLE’s Patron Confidentiality Policy.
Ron handed out a copy of a letter he sent to Paul Kissman of the Mass.
Bd. of Library Commissioners regarding these issues. Martha has been working on resolving the PIN issue. She has derived a solution and did an
overhead demonstration. Users access the catalog from MLIN’s home page. When NOBLE is selected as the library to log
into, a NOBLE log in screen will appear and will prompt the user to enter their
NOBLE card and PIN. Martha has been
working with Paul Kissman and Sonya Walters on this issue. Tom Cesarz asked if other networks were
concerned about the PIN issue as NOBLE.
Ron stated apparently not since NOBLE is the first to bring it up. Ron attended a Users Group meeting at which
he raised the issue of archiving transactions.
No one at the meeting was in favor of it, therefore Sonya Walters is
looking into this issue with Epixtech.
Ron stated Executive Board was not in favor of archiving, but wanted to
get the Membership’s opinion and have stronger support. Tom Cesarz made a motion “NOBLE will not
participate in the Virtual Catalog project if transactions are archived”. Kim Lynn seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Electronic Resources Working
group -
Elizabeth reported the group is working on the catalog redesign. ERWG also discussed issues relating to
reloading the base EBSCO records, and will be surveying the Membership on
whether to continue, expand, or stop putting bib records for a web sites in the
catalog. Meetings are scheduled the
first Monday of every month.
Database Quality Working
Group and Holds Committee haven’t met.
9. NEW BUSINESS. Nothing to report.
10. ADJOURNMENT. Tom Cesarz made a motion to adjourn, John Beauregard seconded the
motion. The meeting adjourned at 11:45.