Twenty libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet
1. CALL TO ORDER - Deborah Abraham called
the meeting to order at 10:10 and thanked Martha Holden for hosting the
meeting. Martha spoke briefly about the
restoration project at the library.
Debbie stated next month’s meeting will be at Abbot Library, Marblehead,
with lunch following at the Corinthian Yacht Club.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Tom Cesarz made a motion to approve the Minutes from March 20th
meeting, Mary Rose Quinn seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Tom Scully reported
spending is on target and anticipate a surplus. Linda Shea made a motion to accept the report, and Martha Holden
seconded the motion. Vote was
4. MANAGER’S REPORT - Ron Gagnon.
User’s Group –
Ron and Elizabeth attended IUG meeting in April. Elizabeth did three Create Lists and Beyond sessions. They met with representatives from
Innovative and discussed our issue with “holds”. We will be submitting a list of these issues. Also the “slowness” issue was
discussed. IUG will be held in Boston
next year.
Catalog –
Due to a new release coming in June or July the web catalog redesign will be
delayed until August. This release will
have enhancements and functionality that would affect the web catalog. The Web Catalog meeting scheduled for June 3rd
will be postponed. There will be a
preview at the Tech Expo on June 12th.
New Members – There has been on-going
discussions with Phillips Academy
Andover about NOBLE membership.
Training – Upcoming
training sessions are Acquisitions Roundtable, Virtual Catalog,
and Annual Circulation Review.
Salem Bid –
City of Salem has announced the annual bid opening will be June 18th.
MBLC - Ron
reported that Debby Conrad of SAILS did a presentation on the impact of state
aid cuts on networks at the recent Board of Library Commissioners meeting.
E-rate – Received
approval for Internet and voice lines.
Waiting to hear on data lines.
Insurance –
Our current insurance company, Kemper, is having financial issues and will no
longer be writing insurance policies.
Part of the difficulties was due to their low rates. Because their rates were so under valued we
will see an increase in our policies with our new provider, Travelers.
Martha Driscoll.
North Shore C.C. –
Martha has been working with North Shore’s staff in facilitating their move to
the Danvers Campus.
– The
slowness issue continues. Michele
Morgan has been working with Innovative on resolving the issue. Innovative installed a patch that appears to
have improved the issue somewhat, but there are still some delays.
Patron Cards
– The Patron Registration Policy was revised in January and because of this the
colleges needed a generic card to give to community borrowers. These cards
provide just the base level of service; patrons will only be able to access the
basic EBSCO and statewide databases, not any locally subscribed databases. The cards were sent to the college libraries
this week. Debbie Abraham asked if the
public libraries could receive a card as well to show library staff.
of the Corporation Meeting Page 2
15, 2003
5. REPORT OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE - Linda Shea reported that
Mary Rose Quinn has been nominated as Vice President/President-Elect and
Kimberly Lynn as Secretary/Clerk for Fiscal Year 2004.
6. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - Tom Scully made a motion to
elect Mary Rose Quinn as Vice President/President-Elect and Kimberly Lynn as
Secretary/Clerk. Tom Cesarz seconded
the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Technology Plan is a requirement to receive E Rate funding. Many of the objectives are from the
Strategic Plan. He sent a draft copy to Paul Kissman at the MA Board of Library
Commissioners for his review. The final
copy needs to be approved by MBLC.
Executive Board has approved the Plan and needs the Membership to vote
on it. Bob Rice made a motion to
approve the 3-Year Technology Plan, Martha Holden seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
also explained if the Cisco Grant is approved we would receive equipment for
the libraries, but would still have to pay for installation costs.
Holds Committee – Debbie
Abraham reported the Committee hasn’t met recently. They have been waiting to
see what issues will be resolved with the new Millennium Release.
Electronic Resources Working
Group – Mary Rose Quinn reported they would be meeting the
first Monday of each month. The Group
has been working on the web catalog redesign.
She thanked Elizabeth, Martha, Michele Morgan, and Christine Morgan for
their work and knowledge.
Database Quality Working
Group – Tom Scully reported they met last week. They have
been working on putting bib records with states. Also putting death dates in personal name records.
handout on the Virtual Catalog that explained what the project is about. The Virtual Catalog searches many databases
in Massachusetts at one time. Patrons
can search from home or an office and will log in from a page on NOBLE’s
catalog. The Virtual Catalog is run by
the Boston Library Consortium and our participation is funded by the MA Board
of Library Commissioners. NOBLE’s
participation will begin on June 1st. There has been a delay in a statewide rollout because networks
have been changing their systems over the past couple of years. Ron explained the difference between the
Virtual Catalog and MassCat, which is a separate database for libraries that
are not part of a larger system. Training
on the Virtual Catalog for library staff is scheduled for the end of May. Initial implementation is for library staff,
then for public use. Ron pointed out
that libraries that are not on our delivery route would not be listed in our
search string. The fact sheet,
policies, and procedures will be on the Staff Information System. Ron explained that Virtual Catalog items
would be identifiable with a separate book band that needs to be placed on the
Martha Driscoll did an overhead presentation. She
reviewed two flow charts: “Placing a Request in the Virtual Catalog” and “Supplying
a Request in the Virtual Catalog”. She
demonstrated the process and screens staff would go through for placing and
supplying requests. The catalog will
only queue up items that are “on shelf”, it won’t request items already checked
out or missing. The standard loan rule
for Virtual Catalog material is to circulate for 28 days with no renewals. Any requests a library receives from the
Virtual Catalog will show up on their paging list. Martha also demonstrated how staff logs into the Virtual Catalog
and searches for an item.
Members of the Corporation Meeting Page 3
May 15, 2003
Laura Horgan asked about loan rules that a library
may have that will not allow certain items to be checked out to other
patrons. Martha explained that items could
be configured to not be available in the Virtual Catalog. Laura also asked if loan fees are
charged. Ron stated as far as he knows
there isn’t, but will look into further.
Martha stated if there are libraries that do charge we wouldn’t include
them in our search string.
Martha explained that an inquiry on a request could
be performed by searching the patron’s barcode to see status. Martha also demonstrated the log in screen
the patron would use. The demonstration
and questions continued.
Marjorie Hill-Devine stated she has a videotape of
an advertisement on the importance of libraries for children. It has been running on Channel 5 and 7. Anyone interested in a copy contact
ADJOURNMENT – Tom Cesarz made a motion to adjourn, Martha
Holden seconded the motion. The meeting
adjourned at 11:45.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberly Lynn