NOVEMBER 20, 2003

PRESENT:  Twenty libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet attached.


CALL TO ORDER: Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at 10:10.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Dennis Kelley moved to approve minutes from the October 16th meeting.  Linda Shea seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom Scully reported expenditures are on target.  John Beauregard moved to accept the treasurer’s report.  Alyce Deveau seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.

Ron explained that Executive Board voted to have $575,000 separated out of our capital account to create a contingency account. When our audit and financial statements were prepared it appears that NOBLE has over $1 million in capital, but in actuality part of the capital is for contingency reserves. Our bookkeeping did not reflect this. It was recommended by our auditor to set aside six months for contingency funds. This change will show the capital and contingency funds separate on our financial statements next year.  Also grants are requiring capital funds be listed as part of the application process.  Any changes to the capital or contingency funds require a vote by Executive Board. 



Ronald Gagnon:

·         New England Innovative User’s Group – Ron, Elizabeth, Martha, Michele, and Christine attended the meeting at Rivier College in Nashua, N.H.  Martha did a presentation on scripts, and Elizabeth facilitated a web catalog design roundtable.  Ron discussed the status of our holds enhancements requests with North American Customer Sales Director Mary Chevreau.

·         NELA – Martha spoke on wireless security.

·         Atrion Customer Advisory Board – Ron attended this meeting.

·         MBLC Legislative Agenda – Ron attended a meeting with Network and Regional Administrators to discuss the legislative agenda for next fiscal year.  The governor is requesting an 8% cut to MBLC’s budget for next fiscal year.

·         NMRLS Annual Meeting – Ron, Elizabeth, and Marilyn Graves attended the meeting.  Keith Fiels, Director of ALA, was the keynote speaker. Also Rob Maier reported that MBLC is continuing its efforts for House Bond Bill 1199.  This is a 3-year fund and will restore $10 million.  MBLC needs library support in contacting their legislators.

·         Phillips Academy – Atrion connected the router November 4th. 

·         Minuteman Network – Minuteman Library Network’s Executive Board approved the transfer of Minuteman’s old Alpha servers to NOBLE at no charge.  Hewlett-Packard will coordinate the move.

·         UPS – The new UPS will be installed next week.  To eliminate down time, some preliminary electrical work will need to be done to transfer equipment to temporary circuits prior to the new UPS being installed.

·         ALA Mid-Winter – Ron and Elizabeth will be attending the conference in January.

Elizabeth Thomsen:

·         Deduping Project – MARC of Quality sent a report that identified 10,000 duplicate records, and 16,000 possible duplicate records.  Martha wrote a script that will merge the records.  Staff will monitor duplicate records to keep them to a minimum. 

·         Long Overdue Items – According to the Long Overdue Policy, items overdue from 2000 will be deleted by the end of this year.  Lists have been sent to libraries for their review.  Statements of Charges will be offered to libraries to send to patrons. 

·         Phillips Academy – Continuing to train Phillips staff on acquisitions, cataloging, serials, and circulation.  Begun to load their data and loan rules on the training system in preparation for “going live” January 1st.  Their records will go through a deduping process as well.



Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                                    Page 2

November 20, 2003


·         Training – Roundtable and training sessions were held for Course Reserves, Serials and Acquisitions, and Create Lists to review changes in Phase 3.  Elizabeth discussed some of the changes.

·         Web Catalog – Clean up continues.  The problem that was causing some patrons to get an error when they log into their account has been resolved.

Martha Driscoll:

·         Bib Merge Script – The script successfully merged approximately 15,000 records.

·         Phillips Academy – Working on the data and the patron load.

·         EMU Mail – There is a new version of the software that will be loaded.  The current version has a problem where you get “timed out”.  The issue has been resolved and Martha will send out information. 

·         Server Upgrades – New software versions of the web and mail server will be upgraded.  The mail server will be reconfigured to hold a larger amount of incoming mail.  Not all accounts are cleaned on a regular basis and this is causing the mail server to fill up.  An additional DNS server will be configured as a backup. 

·         Minuteman Equipment – Working with Hewlett-Packard to coordinate the transfer of the Alpha servers.

·         Spam – This is an ongoing issue and Martha is continuing to work on a resolution. 



Ron Gagnon explained the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners requires an annual Action Plan, which is due December 1st, for grant eligibility.  The Executive Board approved the Plan at their last meeting, and the Plan was emailed to directors prior to this meeting.  Ron reviewed some key objectives:

·         Applying for LSTA funds to upgrade our telecommunications equipment.  Along with that would be to upgrade the Innovative system server software.

·         Upgrade our aging training room PC’s which are almost six years old.  Other improvements for   training and meeting facilities would to investigate the costs of a wireless network at central site, and a ceiling-mounted projector for the meeting room.


Kimberly Lynn moved to approve the FY 2005 Action Plan.  Tom Scully seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous to approve the FY 2005 Action Plan.



Elizabeth Thomsen reviewed training coming up in December, and the January-March schedule.  New sessions scheduled are Course Pathfinders Roundtable, Imaging Roundtable, and Create Lists for Serials and Acquisitions.  See the calendar pages on the Staff Information System for the complete schedule and information.  



Ron Gagnon : Our Network Security LSTA grant application was received by the Board of Library Commissioners on November 13th.  The total LSTA funds requested is $126,622, with NOBLE’s capital contribution of $58,801; the total project cost is $185,423.  This special grant round provides a higher subsidy level of 75% for networking hardware and software.  Ron reviewed some highlights of the project:

·         Replace the current aging Bay Network routers with more powerful Cisco routers at libraries, as well

replace hubs with new switches.  This will allow libraries to have virtual LANs that can segregate their traffic, which allows for better security. 

·         Wireless security devices will be provided to libraries that currently have wireless access. 

·         Replace central router at central site, as well as upgrade the firewall at central site.  This will allow faster network communications between servers. 




Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                        November 20, 2003

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The total funds available for networks during this grant round are $200,000.  Ron explained that he is preparing for the spring LSTA grant round as a subsidy as well.  He has filed a Letter of Intent with the MA Board of Library Commissioners to be considered. 


Ron included a DVD copy of the Channel 5 news report on the worm virus with the grant application.  He thanked North Shore’s media staff for preparing the DVD. 



·               Marjorie Hill-Devine and Mary Ann Blair are retiring from Winthrop Public Library.  Mary Rose Quinn thanked Marjorie for all her contributions to NOBLE.

·               John Beauregard spoke of a virtual readable Gutenberg Bible at the British Library he visited over the summer.

·               Anne Tullson spoke about NSCC’s new building at the Danvers Campus and offered a tour after the meeting.


ADJOURNMENT: Carol Gray made a motion to adjourn.  Kimberly Lynn seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 11:35.




Respectfully submitted,




Kimberly Lynn
