JUNE 24, 2004

PRESENT:  Fifteen libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet attached.


CALL TO ORDER: Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at 10:15.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Barbara LaChance moved to approve the Minutes from the May 20, 2004 meeting.  Nadine Mitchell seconded the motion.  The Minutes were approved by unanimous vote.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom Scully reported a surplus is anticipated for the end of the fiscal year.  Deborah Abraham moved to accept the report.  Dennis Kelley seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.



Ron Gagnon:

·         Member Directory was passed around for updating.

·         September meeting will be held the last Thursday on September 30th, which the FY 06 budget will be presented.

·         On September 23rd Ron will be speaking at NERCOMP meeting at Holy Cross.

·         PC Support – The current fifteen libraries that participate will continue for FY 05.  The $50k income from the libraries, plus $24k from NOBLE will fund the program.  The costs cover personnel, software, travel, etc.  George Lally has attended several security training programs.

·         MLA – Ron was invited to serve on MLA’s Legislative Committee for the upcoming fiscal year.

·         ALA – Elizabeth will be attending the Annual Conference in Orlando.

·         Salem Bid – Received call from Salem Purchasing Agent that all the public libraries responded and the contract is forthcoming for FY 2005.


Elizabeth Thomsen:

·         IUG Enhancements – NOBLE staff continues to work on the final stages of the process.

·         Circulation Meetings  Annual policy review sessions held on June 3rd and 8th  for circulation supervisors.  Roundtable meetings will be scheduled for the fall.

·         NOBLE Hosted Web Sites Meeting – This meeting will review Web Trends and statistics.

·         Tech Expo – Very well attended.  There were presentations by Ann Murdock and John Henderson of EBSCO.  NOBLE staff also did presentations, as well as ongoing exhibits.  Barbara Herzog of Innovative did a PowerPoint demonstration on AirPAC, which is a version of the web catalog that can be accessed through portable web devices.  The presentation is on the Staff Information System.

Ron added it is additional software that would need to be purchased from Innovative.  It will be considered in conjunction with our server upgrade in the next grant round.

·         Summer Reading Lists – There are links on the Staff Information System for school reading lists.


Martha Driscoll:

·         Equipment Upgrade - Working with George Lally and Atrion installing the new routers and switches at libraries.  Nineteen sites have been completed to date, and twenty-three will be complete by next week.  One of the objectives of the upgrade is to implement VLANs at the libraries.  This separates staff and public PC’s, as well as wireless users.  Martha passed around a diagram showing how this is accomplished.  Currently Marblehead is the only library with fully implemented VLANs.

·         LUMIX – This is a Linux Operating System that the Howard County Library System in Maryland have been developing and are running on their public PC’s.  An advantage over Microsoft Windows OS is don’t have to download the Windows Updates when there is a security breach, also it runs on slower machines.  It will be loaded on a PC at NOBLE to evaluate it.



Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                        Page 2

June 24, 2004



Mary Rose Quinn stated Agenda Item #6 would be discussed at another time.  The MBLC just received the report and need time to review it.


STATE OF THE STATE: Paul Kissman, of the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners.

·         Discussed the state budget cuts and what has brought the networks and regions to the point they are at.  Account #9506, Technology and Resource Sharing, decreased from $3.4 million three years ago to $341k in the current fiscal year.  The Commissioners were able to fund $200k in LSTA funds for special projects.  Between this special grant round and the normal grant round $450k were available to networks to fund server and equipment upgrades.

·         Discussed Packet Shapers, which is a new technology that provides a high level of control of the traffic that goes over a network.  MVLC was awarded a grant to test it.  Ron added NOBLE will be borrowing one from Atrion to test our Internet line.

·         For FY 2005 an increase of $200k is expected in line item 9506, Technology and Resource Sharing.

·         Other areas the Commissioners are assisting Networks:

1.       Put more funds into the delivery system, as well show libraries are being recognized for their Resource Sharing and Interlibrary Loans.

  1. Increased the matching funds for LSTA grants to 75% from 50% for first priority telecommunication equipment.  The 50% match for second priority equipment remained.
  2. Allow a 50% offset on installation costs on the higher priority equipment.
  3. Apply for “Staying Connected Grant” through the Gates Foundation.  This is a $200k grant for telecommunication equipment, that, if awarded will allow the MBLC to use $200k of LSTA funds for other priorities.  Expect to know in August.

·         Gave an update on the Virtual Catalog project and how it has evolved.  There was a discussion on the issues surrounding how MassCat would work with the Virtual Catalog.



Ron explained that as part of a group settlement from a case that was brought against record companies for price fixing, NOBLE’s public libraries received 10,150 CD’s.  Libraries received many duplicates or titles they would not have purchased for their collection.  A “CD Swap” day will be held at NOBLE for libraries to come and exchange CD’s for titles that would be suitable for their library collections. 

Elizabeth explained how the CD’s are being processed and cataloged.  There is a list on the Staff Information System of all unique titles with number of each.  MARC records were created from a spreadsheet of the titles.  Also a separate I-type was set up.  This will allow tracking of the CD’s and keep statistics separate.  There was a brief discussion of what libraries are doing with their CD’s.



Martha Driscoll discussed the measures that have been taken to resolve the SPAM issue.  Initially tried a program called SPAM Assassin, which is a filter that identifies SPAM by a predetermined set of rules. Since SPAMMERS constantly change how to get their messages through, this program needed to be updated frequently by NOBLE staff.  NOBLE purchased Brightmail Anti-Spam and installed it on a separate server.  All incoming mail goes through that server and Brightmail performs checks.  All mail gets delivered, but any mail that is tagged as SPAM will go into a SPAM-Brightmail folder in your mailbox.  This is so staff can check to see if something was marked as SPAM in error.  An advantage to Brightmail is it continuously checks every minute for updates and changes on SPAM rules and automatically gets downloaded to our server.  The program allows custom filters to be written.  Since it’s implementation on June 4th an average of 1,500 messages per day were tagged as SPAM.



Elizabeth reviewed the upcoming training and meeting schedule for the fall.  There will be a Create Lists, Millennium Statistics, and Collection Management overview meetings, as well roundtables and hands-on workshops.  The September-December schedule will be posted on the Staff Information System by July 1st. 

Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                                    Page 3

June 24, 2004



NEW BUSINSESS:  Nothing reported.



·         Database Quality and Electronic Resources Working Group held a joint meeting.  Discussing issues that overlap both groups regarding what should be in the system and not the catalog.  Also developing inputting standards.  Electronic Working Group continues to work on the catalog redesign and customizing.

·         Collection Management Working Group has been writing default assessment forms.



Sue Koronowski made a motion to adjourn, Carol Gray seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 12:00.




Respectfully submitted,




Sue Koronowski

Pro Temp Secretary