NOVEMBER 18, 2004

PRESENT:  Nineteen libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet attached.


CALL TO ORDER: Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at 10:15.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Approval was for the September 30th and October 21st Minutes. Sue Koronowski pointed out a correction for the September 30th Minutes.  On the last page under New Business, Alyce Deveau is on a NMRLS Committee for the under 25,000 circulation…..”, should be “under 25,000 population”.  Sharon Gilley made a motion to approve both Minutes with correction as noted. Tom Scully seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.


TREASURER’S REPORT:  Tom Scully reported spending is on target.  Sharon Gilley made a motion to accept the report.  Alyce Deveau seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.



Ronald Gagnon:

·         MBLC allocated subsidies to support telecommunications and resource sharing for networks.  NOBLE will be receiving $60,324. 

·         The audit is complete. Executive Board approved the financial statements and the tax returns were signed.

·         Telecommunications Grant Update – Phase I is almost complete.  The funds for Phase II will provide routers for the remaining nine sites and upgrade central site telecommunications equipment. The Bay Networks router at central site is incompatible with the new Cisco routers being installed at the libraries; therefore the traffic cannot be prioritized for those libraries.  When the new Cisco router is installed at central site, Millennium traffic can be prioritized over Internet traffic as before.  This together with the new T3 line being installed will improve throughput to the libraries.  Atrion will be coordinating the installation with Verizon.

·         MBLC received funding from the Gates foundation for telecommunications equipment.  NOBLE will receive a Packet Shaper, which is equipment that allows you to monitor and prioritize the traffic going over the telecommunication lines.  There will be a 75% subsidy with 2/3 of the cost being funded by the Gates Foundation and the remaining funded with LSTA grant.  This will happen in next fiscal year.


Elizabeth Thomsen:

·         Reported on the training and meeting that were held this fall. Some highlights were Roundtables, several Create Lists training, Statistics, Web Management Reports, and Collection Management.

·         Beth Coughlin was hired as a part-time cataloger.  Beth has worked in several NOBLE libraries.


Martha Driscoll:

·         The next software release, Silver, is tentatively scheduled for the first week of January.  Prior to that installation the operating system on the server needs to be upgraded.

·         Some libraries have experienced difficult data line problems. Salem had frequent outages since end of September and more recently in Peabody.  In both cases equipment within the Verizon network was replaced, the problem appears to be resolved.  On October 3rd and 20th a T3 went down within Verizon network and caused several NOBLE libraries to be down.

·         Internet Lines Upgrade- Martha has been in contact with Verizon and waiting for installation date.

·          VLAN’s – Martha and George almost complete in setting up libraries on the PC Support program. Martha will be contacting the remaining libraries to schedule a date.  Libraries on their own network, Middlesex, Northern Essex, Phillips Academy, and Endicott will not have NOBLE VLAN’s.

·         Symantec AntiVirus V. 9 as been purchased for libraries on the PC Support Program and will be available to download from the Staff Information System.


Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                                    Page 2

November 18, 2004



·         Ron distributed a hand out representing a timeline of Upcoming Milestones from July 2004-January 2007.  Highlights are Telecomm Upgrade Phase II, grant filing, office lease renewal.

·         Ron explained FY 2006 Annual Action Plan update is a requirement of the MA Board of Library Commissioners to receive grant funding, and is due beginning of December to secure grant funding. Executive Board approved the Action Plan and requires acceptance of the Membership prior to submission to MBLC.

·         The Action Plan was previously sent to directors for review and is posted on the Staff Information System.  Ron reviewed highlights and changes in each objective.  Some major changes to be implemented are software and hardware upgrades.


John Beauregard made a motion to accept Executive Board’s recommendation to approve the FY 2006 Action Plan.  Martha Holden seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 



At the October Members meeting was a presentation of software options.  A package was sent to directors with the recommended software and descriptions. At their November meeting Executive Board reviewed libraries input and NOBLE recommendations for software to be included as part of the grant proposal.  Executive Board approved a recommended software package that will include; AirPAC, SIP2, EDIFACT, Inventory Express, and WebBridge.  There was discussion on implementation of WebBridge.


NOBLE staff will continue to monitor other software options for the future.


Elizabeth Thomsen added Innovative will have demonstrations at ALA Mid-Winter which is in Boston in January. 


Nadine Mitchell made a motion to accept Executive Board’s recommended software grant package.  Barbara Lachance seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.



·         Ron Gagnon announced Diane Smith was appointed director at Bunker Hill.

·         Mary Rose Quinn is on MLA Legislative Committee.

·         Deborah Abraham announced the legislative breakfast will be held at Reading Public Library on March 4, 2005.

·         Mary Rose Quinn spoke to MBLC about Saugus getting a waiver.  She asked that NOBLE libraries deny Saugus patrons.  Tom Scully asked the same be done for Beverly patrons.  There was discussion on reciprocal borrowing and decertification issue.



·         Database Quality and Electronic Resources Working Group have a joint meeting for end of November.



John Beauregard made a motion to adjourn.  Linda Shea seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 12:10.



Respectfully submitted by,




Martha Holden
