OCTOBER 20, 2005
PRESENT: Twenty-three libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance
sheet attached.
Koronowski called the meeting to order at 10:10.
John Beauregard made the
motion to approve the Minutes from the September 22nd meeting. Sharon Gilley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary Rose Quinn reported at a
quarter way into the fiscal year budget is 24% expended. Ron added some of line items will be
adjusted from the audit to reflect expenses that were paid in FY ’06 but
incurred in FY ’05. Deborah Abraham
made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Ruth Urell seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Ron Gagnon –
Our landlord, Flatley
Company, has sold their property to National Development. Ron had our attorney review some paperwork
that had to be signed for the transfer.
We have 5˝ years remaining on our lease and this changeover will not
effect the terms.
Eleven libraries ordered
37 Dell PC’s from the group purchase.
In addition NOBLE purchased 12 new PC’s for the training room. Ron posted a message for libraries if
interested in the old PC’s. The
recommended minimum PC requirements have been updated on the Staff Information
Posted a message with
quote from Atrion for wireless network.
Grant Update – The
servers and additional software were ordered on October 3rd. Tentative installation date for the servers
is early January. Coordinating the
downtime with Innovative to be during our off hours, but since they are in
California there is the time difference.
The server will come up on existing release and then install new release
and additional software.
ISP – Our current Level
3 contract with Verizon expires in December and looking into switching to UMass. Ron and Martha met with the rep. from
UMass. Also getting quote from Verizon
for a new contract because they will no longer offer the Level 3. Helen Freeman asked about UMass’ reliability
because that was an issue before when NOBLE used them as ISP. Ron explained there have been staff changes
and upgraded their technology. Other
networks are using them and pleased with the service. The state-funded colleges have also vouched for their
Continue to work with our
libraries and NMRLS on downloadable audiobooks issue.
Continuing to work on
MLA Legislative Subcommittee, Government Relations Subcommittee, looking at
issue of hiring a part-time lobbyist to represent libraries.
MBLC is finalizing their
FY 2007 legislative agenda. Considering
requesting 75% increase in funding for the networks.
Our FY 2005 audit is
complete. The financial statements and
tax returns will be presented to Executive Board for final approval next month.
Due to a conflict with
MLA 21st Century Literacy Conference on November 17th,
NOBLE’s Members Meeting will be on November 10th.
Michelle Mann, MBLC
Commissioner from Beverly, has resigned.
Elizabeth Thomsen –
Spoke at the LITA
National Forum, participated in presentation on IUG Clearinghouse.
Gave a presentation on
Firefox at the NELA Conference. The
presentation is on NOBLE’s web site at Sue inquired about its increasing use. Elizabeth explained it’s open source
software and not tied into your operating system, which makes it more secure. Users are rewarded for finding problems in
the coding and are free to develop enhancements. Thunderbird is the email program. A discussion ensued.
Elizabeth is looking at different ways to have Firefox training.
Members of the Corporation
Meeting Page
October 20, 2005
Giving Create Lists presentation at the
Mid-Atlantic Innovative Users Group in Delaware.
Someone will be doing a
presentation on Michele’s Reportster
program at the Northwest Innovative Users Group the same weekend, with proper
credit to Michele and NOBLE.
Annual Circ Review
sessions just completed were attended by all libraries, except one. Policies and procedures are reviewed. Identified some issues that will go to the
working groups.
Reviewed upcoming
training schedule: Intro to Create Lists,
Keeping It All Together: Multipart Media. On February 2nd Getting Them What They Want and in the
spring more advanced create lists.
The working groups are
in place and members are posted on the Staff Information System. The groups are: Electronic Resources &
Database Working Group, Resource Sharing Working Group, and the Collection
Management Team. They are in the
process of setting up meeting schedules.
Proposals are coming in
from vendors for federated searching project.
Will be meeting with a small group to review usability studies and
proposals. The group will decide which
vendors will be invited to give presentations.
Web Site Editing service
is in place. The charge to libraries is
$50/hour. Kevin Grocki is working with
the Everett library redesigning their web site.
In regard to the Annual Circ Review
meeting Linda Shea asked why staff from campus/branches cannot attend. The attendees are each library’s designated
circulation representative. Elizabeth
explained if multiple people were trained then no one person has the
institutional responsibility. That can
create miscommunication.
Martha Driscoll -
On October 25th
Representatives from EnvisionWare will be at NOBLE demonstrating their PC Reservation
and Print Cost Management Systems.
Martha sent a survey to libraries to provide to the sales rep so they
put together a price quote.
Coordinating a group
purchase of Deep Freeze. It’s a
software program that “freezes” a PC’s configuration so patrons cannot make
changes. Cost will be approximately
$13/license, half the normal rate.
Ron and Martha met with
Atrion to review Citrix/Windows terminals.
With this technology
network’s software; i.e. Millennium, office applications, operating systems,
browser, etc., are installed on a server.
Updates are done at that server.
Separate, theoretically less costly workstation terminals are purchased
and the desktop comes from the server.
This technology is reviewed every few years, but the cost has yet to be
cost effective. The server is more
costly to purchase as well as ongoing costs.
The terminals cost approximately $1,000, which is about the same cost as
a PC.
Attended the Virtual
Catalog Users Group meeting with Michele Morgan at C/W MARS. The new Dynix URSA system continues to be
delayed. MVLC has upgraded their ILS
system and is now compatible with the Virtual Catalog and should be coming onto
it soon.
Delivery issue is slowly
improving. The remaining “in transit”
items left on libraries lists was sent to Greg Pronevitz. Exploring ways to send regular reports to
libraries to check shelves for “in transit” and “missing” items. There were many items equally across all
libraries that were on the shelves, but not checked in. The issue of using circulation sounds was
discussed. Martha sent a message explaining the two sounds; the laser bar code
sound and the Millennium sound receiving the bar code scanned. The sounds issue is resolved in Release
added he will be attending a meeting at NMRLS this afternoon and the delivery
issue will be discussed.
Koronowski opened the floor for discussion.
Since there was none Martha Holden proceeded with the roll call vote
(copy attached). The vote was unanimous
from the twenty-three libraries that were represented to approve the FY 2007
Budget. Libraries not represented at
the time of the vote were Danvers, Montserrat College, Revere, and Stoneham.
Members of the Corporation
Meeting Page
October 20, 2005
Ron explained the
Technology Plan is required to receive E-Rate funding and must be approved by
Mass. Board of Library Commissioners.
The plan needs to be in place and approved prior to requesting FY 2007
services and funds.
Ron briefly reviewed
highlights from the Plan, which is on the Staff Information System. The objectives in the document are from the Strategic
Plan. With the recent network
telecommunications upgrade, overall NOBLE’s technology is in good shape. One recommendation that is added at the end
of the plan is to replace our Innovative server. With advancements in technology coming more often Innovative
recommends servers be replaced every three years.
Another issue that has
been identified as an area of improvement would be to have security software
loaded at the local level. This would
prevent viruses from spreading rapidly throughout the network.
Sue Koronowski asked on the
ARIS forms how libraries determine the number of users that log in. Some libraries use their sign up
sheets. Some libraries use Web Trends
report. A discussion ensued.
Ruth Urell made a motion to
approve the FY 2007-2009 Technology Plan.
Bonnie Strong seconded the motion.
The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Directors discussed how their
libraries handle book donations and book sales, and also the support the
libraries receive from their Library Trustees and Friends Groups.
Ruth Urell made a motion to
adjourn. Bonnie Strong seconded the
motion. The meeting adjourned at 12:00.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Holden