MAY 25, 2006
PRESENT: Eighteen libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet attached.
CALL TO ORDER: Sue Koronowski called the meeting to order at 10:15.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ruth Urell made a motion to approve the Minutes from the March 16th meeting. Martha Holden seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
TREASURER’S REPORT: In Mary Rose Quinn’s absence Ron presented the report. Overall the spending is on target. Ron explained line item 65224, Office Insurance, is over budget due to additional insurance coverage that was purchased last fall and was renewed in April. Barbara Lachance made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Bonnie Strong seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote
Ron Gagnon –
· Handed out copy of Member Directory for updating. A process will be in place to keep the online version on the Staff Information System updated as changes are made.
· NOBLE was awarded the contract from the City of Salem for Automated Network Services bid.
· Ron and Elizabeth attended the IUG Annual Meeting in Denver.
· Elizabeth will be attending ALA in New Orleans in June.
· Rob Maier will be attending our June Members meeting, with lunch following at the Corinthian Yacht Club.
· Our FY 2007 E rate requests were approved.
· Our OCLC line item appears to be over budget, but that is due to a $10,000 credit that was carried over from previous fiscal year which resulted in a decrease in line item. Actual costs are approximately $37,500. Ron explained that NELINET has reorganized their membership and costs will be increasing.
· A Dell PC group purchase is going on. Cost for the system is $1,050. This system is compatible with the new Vista windows operating system.
· PC Support pricing will remain the same for FY 2007; $275 annual fee and $95/PC. The cost is level funded due to a 20% increase over the past 3 years in the number of PC’s on the program.
· Attended the Network Administrators meeting at CLAMS. Rob Maier, Paul Kissman, and Marlene Heroux from MBLC were present. The statewide Delivery Task Force is moving forward. Rob Maier has been gathering information. There will be a joint Network and Regional Administrators meeting in September and this issue will be discussed. Lorraine Jackson asked if library staff could remember to date the delivery slips. Many are undated and it would be helpful to know when an item went into delivery if there is a delay.
Elizabeth Thomsen –
· Reported on the IUG meeting. Many changes going on with the software and web. One is the current ten-digit ISBN scheme will be replaced with ISBN-13 on January 1, 2007. Millennium Release 2006 will automatically re-index and double index 10 digit ISBNs to ISBN-13. There is information on the Staff Information System Tech Services page. Also, Elizabeth is co-coordinator of the IUG enhancement process. This is the process by which the team of functional experts meets to discuss which enhancements that were submitted by customers go on the ballot.
· Tech Expo is June 8th, 9:30-2:30. It is an open house format with ongoing demonstrations. Representatives from EBSCO, Atrion, and Innovative will be present. Schedule is on Staff Information System.
· Reported on meetings that took place past couple of months. On June 15th is the Multilingual Roundtable session.
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May 25, 2006
Ron added that Executive Board approved Elizabeth’s request to take July and August off for extended vacation.
Martha Driscoll –
· Innovative has installed EDIFACT, AirPAC, and Patron API software on our training system.
· Statistics for libraries BlueSocket wireless devices is on the Staff Information System. The statistics show patron logins for May and will have June.
Ron added we are two software releases behind due to our old server being incompatible with Release 2005. When our new server was installed in January, there were reports of a circ bug in Release 2005, therefore implementation was delayed. These issues have since been resolved. Staff is developing a schedule to load Release 2005 possibly in early June, and then go to Release 2006 later this year.
Linda Hummel-Shea reported the nomination committee has nominated Mary Rose Quinn as treasurer, and Martha Holden as secretary. The floor was open to other nominations, there were none. Michael Blake cast one vote for the nominations.
There was a five minute recess at 10:55. Meeting was called back to order at 11:05.
BYLAWS REVISIONS: Add Section 4.11 and 5.10
Ron explained the revisions were presented at the last meeting with a vote to take place at this meeting. The revisions add text that covers the situation when an executive board member or officer is no longer affiliated with their library. Ruth Urell made a motion to approve the Bylaws revisions as presented at the March meeting. Linda Hummel-Shea seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Law Enforcement Procedures -
· Ron explained Executive Board approved, with consultation from our attorney, the legal procedures to follow in the Confidentiality Policy. The procedures apply to what library staff should do when a law enforcement agent comes with a warrant or subpoena. Warrants happen immediately, subpoenas not immediate. Libraries can develop their own local procedures in conjunction with NOBLE’s policy.
· Sharon Gilley asked for clarification of “workstation” in the second line of the fourth paragraph. Ron explained it refers to any information in the database that can be accessed in a library that is connected to NOBLE network. The policy does not include hardware that would be a local policy. The discussion continued.
· Bonnie Strong mentioned the point that libraries fall under the “gag order” of the Patriot Act. Ron explained that is only for federal agencies and a copy of the Patriot Act concerning libraries is included with NOBLE’s policy. Library staff can still seek legal advice in such a situation. The discussion continued.
· Diane Smith asked if a statement can be added that NOBLE would notify libraries of any legal issues that arise at the central office. Ron stated that could be added.
Sharon Gilley made a motion and Diane Smith seconded the motion to amend the Confidentiality Legal Procedures as follows:
1) Remove “workstation” from the fourth paragraph in the general section.
2) Add a fifth statement in the general section: “NOBLE will notify member libraries of any situations that develop within constraints of the law”.
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3) Under Warrants section add a fifth statement from the Patriot Act as follows:
“The USA PATRIOT Act amendments also impose a “gag order” on all warrants issued under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The “gag order” prevents the library and all library staff from disclosing to any other party, including the patron whose records are the subject of the search warrant, that the library was served with a warrant or that records were produced in accordance with the warrant”.
Deborah Abraham made a motion to approve the Confidentiality Legal Procedures as amended. Michael Blake seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous with the exception of Salem State College who abstained on both motions.
Contractual Language -
Ron explained as part of the Confidentiality Policy NOBLE will require vendors to sign a contract upholding Confidential Information on our patrons. The language was recommended by our attorneys and approved by Executive Board. Michael Blake made a motion to approve the Contractual Language in the Confidentiality Policy. Alyce Deveau seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
· Ron explained this is a product libraries have been inquiring about. This is not a NOBLE core service; libraries will incur an extra cost. The cost is associated with how many libraries decide to purchase the product. Martha coordinated demos with four vendors. There was a follow up meeting with library staff who attended the demos to discuss the products and assist in the selection of a vendor.
· Martha reported the vendor selected is EnvisionWare. One reason for choosing EnvisionWare is the other three vendors, OCS, Pharos, and SAM, were Windows 2000 Server based products. Additionally, other networks on Innovative use the software and have been satisfied. Martha is coordinating the group purchase and sent an email with cost information. The final quote from EnvisionWare will be based on the number of PC’s and which components libraries purchase.
· Elizabeth reported the vendor selected is SerialsSolutions. She did a brief overhead presentation of the Central Search product. One component is the A-Z list. All libraries get the core product, but it can be customized to libraries at a cost. The product will be implemented without any customization, which can be done in the fall.
· Ron added there will be more sophisticated authentication to verify patrons by accessing Innovative system through a proxy server. He signed 13-month contract, beginning June 1, 2006, for the amount of $30,000, the grant is $35,000. With the remaining $5,000 and NOBLE matching $5,000, promotional materials will be developed over the summer.
Martha Holden stated a security system as been installed at the library. She offered to host one of the Members meetings in the fall to show directors.
Ruth Urell made a motion to adjourn. Michael Blake seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 12:10.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Holden,