JUNE 14, 2007


PRESENT: Fourteen libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet attached.


CALL TO ORDER:  Sue Koronowski called the meeting to order at 10:15.  Linda Hummel-Shea presented gifts to Martha Holden as outgoing secretary and Sue Koronowski as outgoing president. There was not a quorum initially, so meeting began with Elizabeth’s presentation. 


APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Bonnie Strong made a motion to approve Minutes from May 24, 2007 meeting.  Diane Smith seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote.


TREASURER’S REPORT:  In Mary Rose’s absence, Ron presented the report.  Brian Courtemanche made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report.  Bonnie Strong seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote.



Ron Gagnon –

·         Ron passed around Member Directory for updating.

·         Ron reviewed the year: Strategic Plan and Action Plans was completed, ramifications of Saugus library closing, federated search project which will not be continued, contract with EBSCO renewed for 3 years.

·         Still researching downloadable audio. 

·         Founder and CEO of Innovative, Jerry Kline, was in the area and visited NOBLE.  Officers attended the meeting as well.

·         Tech Expo was held June 5th.  Many sessions were scheduled throughout the day, well attended.  Recapped some of the technology worked on throughout the year as well as upcoming technology.  EBSCO and Innovative representatives were there as well.  Presentations are on the Staff Information System.

·         State funding for libraries is level funded for next year.   

·         City of Salem held the public bid and NOBLE was awarded the contract for automated library network services.

·         Future of Statewide Virtual Catalog is uncertain with Dynix URSA software not being upgraded by the new owners.

·         Ron and Elizabeth are attending ALA later this month.


Elizabeth Thomsen –

·         On June 6th was keynote speaker at open source conference sponsored by NELA Information Technology Section.  Martha attended meeting also.

·         At ALA will participate on a panel discussion on statewide leadership projects representing Massachusetts.

·         On July 24th and 25th will be luncheon speaker at Emerging Technologies Conference at Holy Cross hosted by MBLC.

·         Working with libraries reviewing and updating their EBSCO profiles


Martha Driscoll –

·         Upgraded our Brightmail software on the mail server.  License was renewed in March, but needed a license file upgrade.  Last two days out of 42,000 emails 35,000 were spam.

·         There was a power failure at NOBLE Sunday night.  Outage was for 2 hours, which is longer then UPS backup.  Some of the systems did not restart when power came back causing some confusion Monday morning, but the problem was resolved quickly.

·         Reported on Saugus – seven NOBLE libraries are serving Saugus patrons, only three allowing holds.  Blocked access to virtual catalog for Saugus patrons, access to EBSCO will be blocked July 1st. 


Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                             Page 2

June 14, 2007


Saugus patrons have been set up with a new Ptype, which is how loan rules apply.  Saugus items in the database have been changed to “library closed” so items won’t be paged.  Changed anything in the catalog that is directed to Saugus library so patrons know library closed.


Discussion about Saugus continued, the finance committee is trying to find some funding to open minimal hours.  Ron explained Saugus can not be recertified until November 2008 because they closed, which in turn makes the library decertified.   



Bylaws were presented at last month’s meeting with the vote at this meeting.  Bonnie Strong made a motion to accept the Bylaws Amendment.  Alyce Deveau seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.



Ron reviewed the highlights of the goals of the Action Plan which is on the Staff Information System and was sent to directors.

Goal 1: Support Member Libraries –

Some new goals were added:

·         New Special event Collection Day

·         Hands-On/Online training courses

·         Create new full time position to assist libraries with digital initiatives.


Goal 2: Fill Users’ Needs –

·         Downloadable audiobooks and videos

·         Launch NOBLE Digital Library

·         Develop book group kits in conjunction with Resource Sharing Working Group.


Goal 3: Improve Access –

·         Implement Innovative’s AirPAC and WebPac Pro.

·         Implement an updated file of authority control records.


Goal 4: Advance Technology –

·         Increase Internet capacity.

·         Upgrade authentication access of EBSCO.

·         HVAC system in computer room is aging, backup cooling system.

·         Implement web hosting control panel.

·         Open-source courseware software.

·         Reduce or eliminate paper reports.


Goal 5: Advocate for Libraries –

·         NOBLE and staff will support legislative activities of MBLC and MLA and increase participation in regional and statewide committees.


Goal 6: Expand Partnerships –

·         Participate in regional and statewide digital library projects. 

·         Improve ILL services provided under contract with NMRLS.

·         Coordinate a meeting of key staff of the other Massachusetts III library networks.


Sue Koronowski commented on what a library should expect the PC Support specialist be responsible for.  Maybe consider guidelines that libraries should be responsible for some things so are not tying up unnecessary time for more pressing issues.  Ron explained libraries view the program differently. They


Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                             Page 3

June 14, 2007


could consider it, but would be hard to enforce. Martha Holden commented as a library that handles small issues she would appreciate some guidelines being set.  George is always very responsive when they need him, but are paying for service they don’t utilize as much as other libraries. 


Ron stated Executive Board approved the Action Plan prior to the Members meeting.


Linda Hummel-Shea made a motion to approve the FY 2008 Action Plan.  Karen Pangallo seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote.



Elizabeth presented an overview of “Getting Them What They Want” meeting.  She explained holds is the most popular and appreciated service by patrons, and showed quotes from patron reviews of libraries regarding holds. In 2006, 338,893 holds were filled; January 2007 30,886 holds filled.  The system will cancel a hold if unable to get the item within NOBLE, the library will get a notice so they can try and get the item elsewhere, such as Virtual Catalog or ILL.  Elizabeth reviewed circumstances where a hold can get trapped in the system.  There are two main reasons to get items out of the trapped hold status:

1)      to more quickly get material to patron

2)      avoid filling holds long after patron will want it


There’s a link on main page of Staff Information System to the holds reports.



Margaret Andrews reported Salem State will be serving Saugus patrons, but no holds can be placed.  The decision was made by administration, not library staff, which is not in agreement with that decision.  Directors reported whether they are serving or not.  Elizabeth explained the system recognizes patron by their community residency, therefore circulation staff needs to be sure to check patrons current residence in case they moved and still have Saugus card.



Pat Cirone reported Beverly is beginning fundraising and seeking grants to purchase a new bookmobile.



Martha Holden made a motion to adjourn.  Lorraine Jackson seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 12:15.



Respectfully submitted,





Martha Holden
