Present: As attached.
1. CALL TO ORDER/WELCOME - Doug Rendell. The meeting was called to order at 10:10.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Linda Weinstein moved that the Minutes from the November 19, 1998 meeting be approved. Dee Hanley seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT. In Tom Cesarz absence Ron Gagnon presented the report. He stated that spending was on target at 43% as of 12/31/98. John Beauregard made a motion to accept the report. Dee Hanley seconded the motion, it was passed unanimously.
4. MANAGER’S REPORT – Ronald Gagnon. Ron stated there was an article in the Boston Sunday Globe featuring NOBLE and how patrons access the network from home. Also Elizabeth’s "Through The Years" site is now a link in Yahoo!. Ron reported he attended a network administrators meeting at BPL. The reimbursement for telecommunications costs was discussed. NOBLE hopes to get 48% from the
e-rate and the MBLC will fund the remainder for this fiscal year. Heard nothing from the e-rate. The next round of letters will be going to libraries. Ron also reported have been working on the selection process and the grant for the new system and everything is coming along. NOBLE will be conducting a regional ILL meeting at the Reading Public Library on January 27th. As part of our contract with NMRLS an annual meeting is required.
Elizabeth Thomsen. Completed children’s services training sessions. Now starting "Search Party" sessions. In these sessions a topic is searched by everyone using whatever means they want. The results are discussed as to which search engines were used and what was found. Elizabeth is also running an exercise that people can do on their own in their libraries. It works like a two hour training session in which eight major sites are to be explored for fifteen minutes each. Also going to start a group of short tutorials on important database resources that are available.
Martha Driscoll. Reported that the new e-mail system has been up for about a month and working well having a separate system for e-mail. Haven’t heard anything in response to e-mail spamming. Filled out a security breaks report and submitted it to CERT. MBLC hired a security consultant to meet with three library networks for a security audit. NOBLE is one of them. The consultant will be out within the next couple of weeks.
5. NEW SYSTEM SELECTION – Ronald Gagnon. Ron passed around hand out for the System Selection Process. This is the final version approved by Executive Board and reviewed by Rob Maier of MBLC. Once again process and documenting everything is important. Ron reviewed the steps and are about half way through the process. Doug Rendell appointed the System Selection Working Group in November. Out of the ten vendors that the RFP’s were sent to four of them responded, III, DRA, Sirsi, and VTLS. The responses were distributed to SSWG and Executive Board members. The SSWG met on January 19th and decided to have III and Sirsi in for network demonstrations. The demos have been scheduled for February 8th for Sirsi, and February 12th for III. Elizabeth has posted the vendor catalogs on
the web. A new section on the Staff Information System has been created titled "New Systems Selection"
where documents and information can be reviewed by library staff. All library directors, or one designee, are being encouraged to attend the system demos. Ron handed out a prototype schedule that will be
provided to the vendors. Letter of Intent was submitted to MBLC in December and was accepted. The
grant application will be mailed out tomorrow by MBLC, it is basically the same form as last year. Ron
met with Rob Maier yesterday and went over the form and discussed information that should be included.
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Ron will meet with Rob two more times before grant is due on March 25th. Linda Weinstein asked if any other networks are applying for this grant. Ron stated that SAILS, which is the merger of SEAL and ABLE, are looking to merge both of their systems onto one. They are still two separate corporations though. Ron stated that there should be enough funding for both proposals. $1.3 million is being asked between both us and SAILS, and there is $1 million available which includes the state money. The MBLC will fund 60%. Sue Koronowski asked about DRA where they were a finalist last year. Ron stated that they have not made much progress since last year, and this year our selection criteria is different. Last year were looking for a system that could accommodate terminals, this year the system we want requires all PC’s. DRA’s new release isn’t out yet, and III and SIRSI have existing system and clients. Once the final vendor is selected negotiations and discussions will continue so we will be scheduled and ready for installation once the grant funding is received. As discussed at previous meetings the system is to be implemented by end of calendar year 1999. Pat Cloherty asked at what stage would we know if successful with the grant. Grant submitted late March and reviewed for next month with an answer coming out in April. Answer can be approval, but almost always more questions. Answers to those questions would be due in May. The State Advisory Council on Libraries (SACL) makes their recommendations a month later, and goes to vote with the commissioners at MBLC in July. The ideal situation working with Rob Maier towards is to get SACL approval in April and get MBLC approval of state money at that time. As part of the process Ron is compiling a survey for system requirements that will be sent out to the libraries. John Beauregard asked if PC’s were included in the grant. Ron stated the MBLC will allow a portion of NOBLE’s local contribution of 40% to go towards new PC’s. This amount is approximately $200,000. Discussion continued on the different issues that NOBLE is looking for in a system.
Martha Driscoll - Circulation Issues. Need a flexible system that can accommodate the needs of public and college libraries. Easy to train new users on. Martha mentioned some of the features that people are looking for; more circulation counters, check in alerts, inventory modules, self check out, offline circulation transactions, notices, and a graphical client. Reports modules that libraries can access and use to run reports and control the output.
Elizabeth Thomsen – Circulation. Passed around handout prepared by Michele Morgan listing circulation transactions. It’s on the Staff Information System and an updated version is going out to circulation librarians. The list will go to the vendors so they can show it in the demos. Also, report flexibility important. Would like libraries to be able to run their own reports, and have NOBLE consult and train library staff to do this. Elizabeth mentioned circulation counters important for collection management reports, and having resettable circ counters. Also a creation date when an item first was added to the system, and a field for reconsideration date.
Database and Cataloging. There are different ways systems can handle authority control. Elizabeth stated having a system where you don’t have to have an authority record for everything, but only if need the cross references. Also a system that can change records based on the authority. Helen Freeman asked if we are asking for a standardized way for the libraries to be able to compare and look at other libraries collections. Elizabeth stated that the system we want will know how to handle LC call numbers. Patrick Cloherty brought up would like to see a system that can give more detailed information and break down of circulation statistics and cash management. Elizabeth stated these issues are being looked at in a new vendor.
Ronald Gagnon – Serials and Acquisitions. Ron stated for a serial system looking for one that’s integrated with the rest of the system and one that is widely used by the current customer base. In addition flexibility and meeting standards. Acquisitions need separate accounts for each library as well as
multiple accounts within each library. One that can handle many vendors as well as being streamlined
and integrated. Another function is to provide statistics and information for collection management.
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Media Booking. Section in the RFP for this to be used for rooms, equipment and software. Providing usage statistics and printed schedules.
Ron passed around a handout on system overviews from the vendor responses we got. Discussed the hardware and operating systems they use, as well how the modules are set up. The ILL modules will be integrated. John Beauregard asked about having a list of electronic serials being accessible to patrons. This is another function looking into.
Martha Driscoll – Z39.50. Looking for a server that is version 3 compliant. Z39.50 is the protocol for the exchange of bibliographic information between systems. The statewide catalog that the board is trying to pursue depends on NOBLE having a Z39 server.
Elizabeth Thomsen. Did a presentation on Sirsi and III web catalogs. Discussed linking and scope levels. There are links from the Staff Information System on the vendor catalogs.
Ron wrapped up the discussion on System Selection stating the vendors customer base and track record are two important aspects need to look at.
Lisa Masella resigned as technical assistant, and ILL Assistant, Michele Morgan, expressed interest in the position. Michele was hired leaving her current position now available. Ron proposed to Executive Board that the ILL Assistant position be upgraded to requiring a master’s degree, as well as an upgraded salary. Since NOBLE is under contract with NMRLS the funding comes from them and is a separate budget. This proposal was approved by Executive Board last week. Also advertising for a part-time bibliographic clerk to assist in both ILL department and database operations. The position will be paid out of the ILL and NOBLE budgets.
Ron reported that at Executive Board last week Site Committee chairman, Patrick Cloherty, gave a report that recommended that NOBLE renew lease and stay here. Currently planning renovations and getting quotes on expanding the Meeting Room into the storage area that is parallel to the room. Also getting estimates on painting.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie J. Strong