MINUTES: June 18, 1999
1. CALL TO ORDER/WELCOME—President Doug Rendell welcomed everyone, particularly new members Anne Pound from Bradford College and Barbara Lachance from Merrimack College.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—The minutes of April 22 and May 20 were moved for acceptance together by Linda Weinstein. The motion was seconded by Dee Hanley and passed unanimously.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT—Ron Gagnon presented the report in Tom Cesarz’ absence. Camilla Glynn moved acceptance of the Treasurer’s report. Linda Weinstein seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
4. MANAGERS’ REPORT—Ron Gagnon recapped the events of the year, focussing on the search for a new system. NOBLE applied for and received a $700,000 grant, chose the III system and reviewed its site selection. He acknowledged the support from so many NOBLE members, both directors and their staffs.
Elizabeth Thomsen reported that she had an email trainers meeting to outline the changes that would occur with our move to PCs. She also had a meeting with those libraries for whom NOBLE hosts a Web site.
5. REPORT FROM REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR—NMRLS Regional Administrator Greg Pronovitz reported that Dialog @ CARL was renewed for two years. Also, SIRS was being renewed for approximately 1 ½ years. The Electric Library is available as part of a statewide contract. He also stated that he would appreciate comments on the region’s strategic planning process.
6. CIRCULATION RULES: Owning vs. Circulation Library—Doug Rendell outlined the decision which needed to be made—Would NOBLE have the owning library control the rules for circulation during interlibrary loans with the new system or would the loaning library’s rules prevail, as is presently the case? Ron Gagnon detailed the history. He explained that nearly twenty years ago, the decision was made to do it the way we do because CLSI handled interlibrary loans that way. There was a very length discussion on the various aspects of the issue. The Executive Board had voted to recommend that "NOBLE’s policy regarding interlibrary loans between libraries be that the owning library’s rules govern in all cirulation transactions, as recommended by ALA’s Interlibrary Loan Code. This will be effective with the implementation of the new system." Bonnie Strong so moved, Camilla Glynn seconded and there were 19 votes in favor with 3 votes opposed. The motion carried.
7. E-MAIL POLICY REVISION—Mickey Dygert moved that Paragraph 6 of the present Personal Accounts Policy be deleted. Camilla seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
8. NEW SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE—Elizabeth Thomsen reviewed some date for system implementation. There is a Trainer’s meeting scheduled for July 27. Ron distributed a NOBLE Survival Kit to each director so that we would all make it through the implementation. All were very appreciative!
Doug Rendell presented Bonnie Strong with a gift of a clock in appreciation for her work as NOBLE Secretary for the past year. She expressed surprise and gratitude.
Marjorie Hill-Devine presented outgoing president Doug Rendell with an engraved silver Revere bowl to express NOBLE’s gratitude for his leadership for a particularly stressful term.
Doug presented NOBLE staff members Ron Gagnon, Elizabeth Thomsen and Martha Driscoll with their own survival kits, for which they were very grateful.
9. ADJOURNMENT—Doug Rendell adjourned the meeting at 12:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie J. Strong, Secretary