Present: As attached.
1. CALL TO ORDER/WELCOME – Marjorie Hill-Devine. Marjorie called the meeting to order at 10:05 and welcomed everyone back to a new year. She stated NOBLE staff and Executive Board have been working during the summer to prepare for the move to III. Also the Personnel and Allocation committees have working in conjunction with the FY 2001 budget. Marjorie welcomed the new director of the Saugus Public Library, Mary Rose Quinn.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Camilla Glynn moved that the Minutes from the June 18, 1999 be approved, Deborah Abraham seconded. The vote passed unanimously.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Thomas Cesarz. Tom reported NOBLE has spent 15% of the operating total through August 31, 1999.
4. MANAGER’S REPORT – Ronald Gagnon. Ron reported the federal portion of the system grant was approved by the Board of Library Commissioners at their August meeting. The federal funds approved come through the Library Services and Technology Act. The approximately $413,000 in LSTA funds is in addition to the $300,000 received from state funds in May. Revised contracts were received and have been sent back to the MBLC.
In July Ron met with vice president Don Doak, and national accounts manager Melissa Kenton of EBSCO to discuss a new opportunity for NOBLE. A partnership agreement has established where EBSCO would ask opinions of products from NOBLE and Members. Feedback sessions will be set up. In return NOBLE will be getting the following additional databases; Business Source Premier, Comprehensive MEDLINE with FullTEXT, Primary Search Online, Professional Development Collection. A message will be sent out to everyone on how to access these databases.
Also in August Ron met with Rob Maier at MBLC to discuss the Telecommunications and Virtual Catalog funding. For the Telecommunications funding we will be receiving $146,800 which is up from $118,000 last year. Ron explained the reasons for the increase is that we have more libraries so our costs will be more, in addition colleges are not eligible for e-rate subsidies so the MBLC provides to offset the costs. Another reason our costs have gone up is we have doubled our internet capacity. The Virtual Catalog funding went down slightly to $99,800 from last year’s $107,100. This is a fixed amount of money state wide divided up on the basis of titles, items, and ILL. Also we are in the process of purging our database in preparation for the new system which results in a smaller database.
In regard to our e-rate funding for fiscal year 2000 we have not heard back on our approval, but we did receive an acknowledgement letter stating they received our paperwork. For the past 18 months we will receive $78,440 through Bell Atlantic, and $11,800 from UUNET for internet access. NOBLE staff has been working over the summer to get more information on the NOBLE Staff Information System, primarily NOBLE’s policies. This is almost complete.
Next week Ron will be attending the New England Library Association Conference and an e-rate meeting by Schools and Libraries Division on next year’s programs. Also Ron reported we signed our 7 year lease renewal with Flatley.
Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth reported that since the whole year is devoted to the Millenium project, she doesn't really have anything else to report on. Interest Group meetings and any other activities have been suspended until possibly later in the fiscal year. She will report on Millenium later in the agenda.
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Martha Driscoll. Martha reported that a firewall was installed on August 23rd. It was simultaneously installed, all the traffic routed through it, and the switchover made to U Mass network for internet service. There were some configuration problems with the firewall and with PCs at the libraries. The firewall protects our network from outside sources on the internet that try to send us messages. By default it denies access to our servers, we have to program access to the servers for different functions. Also it denies access to machines in the libraries. Martha reported that Bradford College, Merrimack College, and Northern Essex all have their T-1’s and routers installed and are still working on configuration of the routers. Also our internet contract with UUNET expires at the end of the month and all our traffic is currently going out to the U Mass network.
5. NEW ASSESSMENT ALLOCATION FORMULA – Ron Gagnon. Ron did an overhead presentation on the new formula. Currently the budget allocation is broken down into two main parts: a base charge divided equally to all members and a per port charge. Libraries with branches have an additional branch fee. The per port portion represents the central system maintenance, data line costs, internet, and maintenance of our network. The base fee represents rent, personnel, utilities, insurance, office and administrative costs. Ron stated in terms of projected income for FY 2001 48% comes from the base fee, 22% comes from the ports and users, and the remainder comes from the various subsidies. Ron explained that the concept of ports is outdated and is not an accurate representation of our new Web-based catalog. With the web catalog it’s a different concept, since there is no catalog port there is no continuing relationship between the user and computer, it is stateless. On the new Millennium system there are staff clients that do require a log in and do maintain a relationship with the system while the login is in process. Ron reported that the Allocation Committee met several times to come up with a new formula. The committee came up with recommending maximum staff users, or simultaneous staff users, as the basis of library assessments. A staff user is how each library’s staff uses the system for functions other than for e-mail, searching the catalog, using the internet, or EBSCO. The staff users are being divided against a bottom line fixed figure. Ron continued to explain that as libraries decrease the number of users, the cost per user goes up. As they increase the number of users, the cost per user goes down. NOBLE bought 350 users on the system, which is projected to last 3-5 years. The number of staff users for each library can be entered into the system and be monitored. Depending on the final number of staff users for all members the projected cost per staff user is approximately $925. A motion was made that the allocation formula be changed from the former per port costs to be based on the number staff users per library for the fiscal year 2001 budget. John Beauregard moved the motion be accepted, Dee Hanley seconded the motion. The vote to change the allocation formula was unanimous.
6. FY2001 BUDGET- Ron Gagnon. Ron did an overhead presentation of the projected budget for FY 2001. The budget will be voted on at the October 21st Members meeting. Percentage wise the expenses are as follows: 33%-personnel, 24%-telecommunications, 15%-computer support, 10%-occupancy costs, 10%-capital, 3%-MARC Records, 2%-office and administration, and the remainder for small items such as PC upgrade and professional services. Ron reviewed the line item expenses.
PERSONNEL - There is an increase in personnel. One reason for the increase is the continuation of the PC Support Program. The first twenty months of the program is subsidized through the federal LSTA grant, which will end on June 30, 2000. The other portion of the costs comes from the libraries that participate in the program. Ron proposed to Executive Board, and they approved, that NOBLE take over the subsidy that was provided by the grant. NOBLE will pay for approximately half of the costs of the PC Support Specialist position and half by members who pay the service. Another reason for the increase in personnel is that the lower end of the salary scale of the assistant positions is being upgraded to be more competitive. In comparison to MVLC and NMRLS our scales are lower. There was some discussion as to how all members can benefit from the PC Support service and not just the members who pay it. Sharon Gilley asked if an alternate way of purchasing the PC Support services could be considered in addition to the current way it is offered. Ron said this could be looked into.
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OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION - Overall the costs have increased $900. More in-house meetings are being held, insurance costs increase slightly, and travel expenses for staff are projected to increase with more meetings and user groups to attend.
OCCUPANCY COSTS - Originally approximately $90,000 was budgeted for FY 2000 for rent. Subsequently the rent didn’t increase as much as projected. The costs for FY 2000 and projected costs for FY 2001 are $70,000. The rent rate is $8/square foot, in addition our share of the common maintenance costs increased. Also projected to increase are utility costs, as well as the HVAC maintenance in the computer room, and the office HVAC.
COMPUTER SUPPORT – The system maintenance is contained in the per port costs which will be discussed later. Remaining costs in this line item are insurance for the system as well as the routers. The costs increased slightly with the purchase the new III system.
MARC RECORDS – Projected to go down due to the merging of the two databases and records being purged.
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – Costs should go down for fiscal year 2001. The figure was increased for fiscal year 2000 due to more legal and accounting services needed for the system grant.
CONTINUING EDUCATION- This line item will increase due to the need for more participation in conferences and on going training.
EQUIPMENT UPGRADE – This line item is to cover costs for memory upgrade of PC’s.
Equipment-Other is for costs if need to purchase fax machine, computer printers, or other related office equipment. Ron introduced a new line item for Reserve For Additional III Software. This line item is comprised of the rent savings from FY 2000, as well as some of the money we received from the new libraries this fiscal year. This item will be used to cover unexpected costs that may arise for additional products or services for the III System. Ron suggested putting some money aside every year for this.
CAPITAL FUND - Ron explained that NOBLE has come up with a guideline that an annual NOBLE assessment will not increase more than the CPI + 2%, with the 2% of the operating budget going into capital. As the budget overall increases then the net is growing and in the coming year will be $112,560. Ron explained we are in our second year for e-rate funding, but there is no guarantee it will continue for future fiscal years. The funds received for the fiscal years 1999 and 2000 will be set aside in capital. There is no figure for fiscal year 2001. The Special Capital Contribution shown for fiscal year 2000 is the one time base contribution of $20,100 each from the three new libraries.
REIMBURSEMENTS - Ron reviewed the projected reimbursements NOBLE can expect to receive for fiscal year 2001. The sources of those reimbursements are from MBLC Telecomm and Virtual Catalog Subsidies, assessment from libraries with branches, affiliate member MBLC Professional Library, contract funds received from NMRLS for Interlibrary Loan services, and III maintenance credit. Part of the negotiations with III was that NOBLE would receive a free year of maintenance. This reimbursement is just for fiscal year 2000. After the reimbursements are subtracted from the budget subtotal the proposed budget for fiscal year 2001 is $561,600. This figure divided by twenty-seven members comes to a base cost of $20,800 per member. There was some discussion again on the PC Support Specialist position and if the costs involved will benefit all members.
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PER PORT/STAFF USER DISTRIBUTION-This is represented on a separate sheet to show the cost that are comprised of the Staff User member assessments. With FY 2001 we shift to Central Innopac Maintenance instead of Geac Maintenance. This is a contractual fixed figure for the next five years at a cost of $152,558. Data Line costs will increase due to additional data lines for the new libraries. Internet costs will increase due to doubling our capacity. Ron pointed out that although our capacity doubled our costs did not. Data Comm Maintenance has increased slightly due to additional costs for the new libraries and for maintenance of the firewall. After the Federal E-rate discount and a portion of MBLC Telecomm subsidy are applied the cost comes to $258,038, which is the basis for the cost of staff users.
Sharon Gilley pointed out on the last two pages of the budget package that was sent, that there appears to be a discrepancy on the third column from the right on both pages. Also she expressed some concerns and questions as to why the Wages, Salary and Payroll line item increased $100,000 in two years. Ron stated he would look into both issues and get back to her with more information.
7. MILLENNIUM PROJECT UPDATE - Elizabeth Thomsen. Since the meeting was running late Elizabeth reported briefly on the project. She has been working on getting meetings and training scheduled. The on-line registration began September 1st. Currently she has a schedule of events going on from October-January in the Staff Information System. In October the training system will be installed by III and each library will have two staff users. In February training on management issues will be scheduled. In March there will be follow up training and policy meetings. Also NOBLE has made available several dates in November and December for libraries to schedule training sessions for their staff in the training room. NOBLE staff will not be providing the training, we will just reserve the room for your use. Elizabeth also reported that the trainers e-mail list is archived on the Staff Information System. And the patron policy working group is meeting the first week of October.
Martha Driscoll. Martha reported that her and Michele Morgan have been meeting with circulation staff getting information needed for the new system. There will be nine days of downtime from December
11-19 while installation is completed. Libraries will be able to check in and out, and do renewals. Geac system will still be up for inquiry during that period. The Alpha 4100 system has been delivered and is being installed tomorrow.
8. ADJOURNMENT. Marjorie made a motion to adjourn. Tom Cesarz approved the motion, Hugh Williams seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 12:25.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Koronowski