OCTOBER 21, 1999


Present: As attached.

1. CALL TO ORDER/WELCOME –Marjorie Hill-Devine. Marjorie called the meeting to order at 10:05. A report on the new assessment formula was passed around. The cost for members, except Merrimack, went down due to more users being added onto Merrimack. Hugh Williams introduced two of his trustees.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Dee Brennan questioned the wording under "Adjournment" in the September 22, 1999 Minutes. The Minutes stated that Marjorie made a motion to adjourn and Tom Cesarz approved the motion and Hugh Williams seconded the motion. The wording should have stated that Marjorie asked for a motion and Tom and Hugh respectively made the motion and seconded it. This change was noted. Camilla Glynn moved that the Minutes from the September 22, 1999 meeting be approved, Tom Cesarz seconded the motion. The vote was passed unanimously.

3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Thomas Cesarz. Tom reported we are 25% through the fiscal year and are at 21% of the operating budget. Deborah Abraham made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report; Bonnie Strong seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

4. MANAGER’S REPORT – Ronald Gagnon. Ron reported that NOBLE received a check for $78,400 from Bell Atlantic for e-rate funding for eighteen months of data line costs, and over $11,000 from UUNET for our internet costs also for eighteen months. Recently NOBLE was approved for fiscal year 2000 funding for data lines, internet, voice and cell phones by The School and Libraries Division. The total subsidy for the current fiscal year will be $67,900. Our current internet provider, U Mass, has been discounting bills from the beginning so we don’t need to file for retroactive reimbursement for them, but will for Bell Atlantic. Haven’t heard back yet on the internal connections, which is Data Comm costs for maintenance on routers. Our discount level on the e-rate is 47% and so far they have gone down to a level of 50% for funding internal connections. If it drops lower NOBLE could additionally receive approximately $22,000 in subsidy. Ron will begin the paperwork shortly for the fiscal year 2001 process. Ron reported that the audit is almost complete. Bob Guimond has made several visits to NOBLE to look over the bookkeeping records. He has issued some draft statements and hasn’t come across any problems.

Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth discussed a few communication issues. Staff in each library should know who their e-mail trainers are. And that staff in the libraries is following the e-mail policies and procedures that are outlined on the e-mail trainer’s page. Elizabeth sent out via the courier to libraries procedures for handling messages that are to sent to "All" in the library’s mailbox. The last issue Elizabeth discussed is that all staff in the libraries should know where the Staff Information System is.

Martha Driscoll. Martha is investigating reports of slowness with the Geac system, e-mail, and internet. There were some problems with the public system; it crashed three times in the past month and a half. The mail server is a separate machine and she is working on getting it to respond better. Martha will be meeting with Data Comm next week to discuss ways to get some information and data on how much traffic there is on the network.

5. VOTE TO APPROVE FY 2001 BUDGET. Marjorie thanked Ron Gagnon as well as members of the Personnel and Allocation Committees for the work they did in preparing the information for the budget. Tom Cesarz made a motion for approval of the fiscal year 2001 budget; Camilla Glynn seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken by Secretary, Sue Koronowski, copy attached. The vote was unanimous.



Members of the Corporation Meeting Page 2

October 21, 1999


6. MILLENNIUM PROJECT UPDATE - Ron Gagnon. Ron reported that NOBLE staff has been prioritizing the issues to focus on getting the permanent set ups right. Flexible issues can focused on after the system is up. Unlike CW/MARS who came up this week with the same III system and was in the previous years grant cycle, NOBLE’s has two months remaining before the III system is up.

Martha Driscoll. Martha reported she met with the circulation staff of the libraries to discuss parameters and make sure the system was working they way they want it to. And get rid of any obsolete information that was there so wouldn’t have to convert it to the III system. Also she met with the three new colleges to discuss their circulation and data entry, as well as notice schedules. Next week she will begin outputting the public and college databases and getting it into the new system. This will take about six weeks to process.

Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth reported that we are on schedule with Testpac and are in a two-week period of evaluating it. Elizabeth explained that the Testpac is a subset of our bibliographic and item data we sent to III to test out the mapping and indexing parameters. We are scheduled to sign off on Testpac on October 28th which means III can start loading our data. At that point we have approved all the mapping and parameters. The III trainer has been out training NOBLE staff. Other modules will be turned on after we have signed off on the Testpac. Elizabeth reminded everyone of the three demo sessions coming up in November. The first one is designated as the trainer’s session and the other two sessions are for three additional staff to be sent to each session. Trainers should also be registered for the hands on sessions, which will enable them to get in and use the system. There will be two log ins per library on the training system. Elizabeth discussed that the technical services staff need to understand what’s in the item record. The training needs of the OCLC member libraries and the centralized cataloging libraries will be addressed at hands on training sessions scheduled in early January for each of those groups. By March there will be a meeting of the technical services and cataloging librarians. The reference e-mail group is being used for getting information out for the catalog. Also Elizabeth stated that III is coming out with new software, Release 2000, probably before NOBLE comes up. We will switch over to the new release once we are stable. There was some discussions about the procedures when we are off line from December 11th -December 17th when circulation and cataloging goes down.

7. DEMONSTRATION- Manager’s Overview of Millennium.

Martha Driscoll. Martha did an overhead presentation in Powerpoint of MillCirc, the circulation client. This demonstration is in the Staff Information System. After the demonstration Martha discussed "P" code types that she has been working on with the Patron Policy Working Group. She handed out a folder with these proposed "P" code types.

Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth did an overhead presentation on Web Management reports. She explained that is web based and would be using Netscape or a different web browser as the client. Don’t need special software loaded on the PC to do web management reports, but in order to have access to the program there has to validation either by IP address or a user name and password. After the demonstration Elizabeth briefly discussed the handout on the create lists which is also on the Staff Information System on the Millennium Project page.

8. ADJOURNMENT. John Beauregard made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Linda Weinstein seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05.


Respectfully submitted,



Sue Koronowski
