DECEMBER 16, 1999


Present: As attached.

1. CALL TO ORDER/WELCOME – Marjorie Hill-Devine. Marjorie called the meeting to order at 10:05.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. October’s minutes will be voted on at the next meeting.

3. BUDGET REPORT – Thomas Cesarz. Tom reported that through November 30, 1999 expenditures were

at 43% of the operating budget.

4. MANAGER’S REPORT – Ronald Gagnon. Ron reported that Data Comm will be coming out December 21st to do some work in the computer room. There were reports that our network was slower. There was a bottleneck in traffic that was created when the firewall was installed back in August. We are upgrading our internal network from 10 Mbit to 100 Mbit by adding a switch and a router. This will speed up the traffic going around in the computer room. The project will cost $25,000. Also Ron is preparing to file Form 471 for e-rate funding which is due January 19th. He is looking into a new vendor for our telecommunication lines that go out to the libraries. Data Comm recommended Digital Broadband Communications. They use newer technology than Bell Atlantic. Ron met with them about a week ago and is waiting for a proposal. To go along with Form 471 Ron is getting new contracts for fiscal year 2001 from all our e-rate vendors. On another matter there have been reports of ventilation problems in the training and meeting rooms this will be looked into further.

Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth reported she is re-doing the web page that people get to from home, She is adding a link to the new web catalog and set it up to make it easier for patrons to

see all the links and databases offered. Also to improve communications she is adding a "mail" form link to

all our pages for people who want to send comments. Over the next couple of months two things are changing;

1) being able to link directly into the web catalog, and 2) EBSCO has added "persistent" links that will enable

us to take an EBSCO article and create a link directly to it. Elizabeth also reported she would be adding a

monthly newsletter update that people can receive information on what’s new on the NOBLE web site. The emphasis will be on new services that are available for patrons.

Martha Driscoll. Martha reported that the Geac system was off as of last Friday, but is set up so that staff can

do inquiries only. Terminals are also no longer in use. Some libraries are still using them to connect to our temporary system. At some point the terminal servers at the libraries will be picked up.

5. DATABASE QUALITY POLICY UPDATE RATIFICATION – Ronald Gagnon. Ron discussed changes

for NOBLE’s Database Quality Policy. The policy was unchanged since 1987. The updates were approved by Executive Board at their November 10th meeting. The updates delete out of date references and add some new wording. The policy statements and concepts remain unchanged. Linda Weinstein moved the Database Quality Policy Updates be accepted, Anne Tullson seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

6. MILLENNIUM PROJECT UPDATE – Ronald Gagnon. Ron reported the project is going along well and

on time.

Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth reported that the P’s & Q’s sessions are coming up on January 11th, 12th and 13th. These are hands on sessions with one trainer per library attending one of the three dates available. The trainer

that is attending needs to gather all the issues, problems, and examples that they want to discuss at the session. Elizabeth will be going to ALA Mid-winter on that following weekend where there will be an III User’s Group meeting and she can ask appropriate questions on our issues. On January 18th a follow up meeting of all the

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trainers will take place. Holds will be a major issue discussed at this meeting. Marjorie mentioned that a

committee would be set up to determine and recommend policies on holds. Anyone interested in being

on the committee should e-mail Marjorie. Elizabeth stated our III trainer will be back on January 19th to

do our serials set up training. February is left open for now and what happens will be determined by when

we move to Release 2000 and how the sessions go in January. On March 7th, 14th, and 21st sessions are

scheduled for web catalog, tech services, and circulation. This will be a review and to go over issues and


Martha Driscoll. Martha reported on an update of the data transfer. She copied all the "gap" data and gave

it to III to be loaded into the system. She has been working on patron records, specifically updating the

area codes. Also merging the patron records between the public and college databases was accomplished.

A scheme was arrived at to load the patrons in a particular order. Some cleaning up of the records will have

to be done. III has all the patron data and most of it is in the system now. Martha also reported that the

transactions have been output from the Geac system and are waiting for III to load them into the Innopac.

She is also working on configurations for logins and authorizations on the Innopac system so libraries can

log their PC’s in on Monday. Martha and Michele just completed two weeks of circulation training for the

libraries. Martha is going to try put some of the questions and answers that came up during the training on

a web page once she gets the answers. The e-mail trainers group has been a good source of information for discussion. Martha reported that Michele has been sending out documentation to the trainer’s e-mail list as

well as posting it on the web page. Also Michele is sending out information on switching your PC’s over

to the real system for Monday. Martha stated that on Monday morning the training system would not be unavailable so be sure your PC’s are pointing to the Innopac system and not the training system. Also the

three new college databases have not been loaded into the system yet; this will be done once all the other data

is in.

Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth gave an update on the web catalog. On the main page of the Staff Information System she has a link to the Millennium Project page and also to the trainer’s e-mail group. The web catalog

will be up on December 20th. The catalog/cataloging-working group has been working on design issues and

assist in decisions. Elizabeth reported that Christine has created hundreds of graphics for the forty-nine scopes

the catalog has. There was a demo session of the web catalog on December 7th which all the basics of the

catalog, including different search types and how they work, were discussed. All the searches that were done

at this session are on a web page on the Staff Information System. Elizabeth stated she updated the "Scope of NOBLE" page. She explained that every scope has its own URL for the main page. The URL is, and the number represents the number of your scope. Doing it this way

gives libraries a lot of flexibility in terms of what scope they want it to point to. On the "Scopes of NOBLE"

page all the scope levels are listed and what the URL is for it. Elizabeth sent out to trainer’s, reference, and children’s librarians a message about scoping with all the information links. She also has scheduled hands on cataloging training sessions for January 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th. Two of the dates are for libraries that participate in the

temp record process and two for OCLC member libraries.

7. BORROWER CARD UPDATE – Ron reported that NOBLE staff has been working with the Patron Policy Working Group to discuss many issues concerning patron policies. One main issue was to come up with

procedures to be implemented in the new system since the patron databases were merged. The PPWG made

a recommendation to Executive Board earlier this month and was approved. A summary is on the Staff

Information System. Basically a patron can have only one public card, but can have multiple college cards. NOBLE purchased an additional software package that can link library cards. It can only be used to link

different library cards to one person, does not link family members. The DOB field will be added to the system, and also III is indexing phone numbers so they can be searched.




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8. BRADFORD COLLEGE AND NOBLE BUDGET – Ronald Gagnon. Ron talked about the announcement

of Bradford College’s closing at the end current academic year and how it will impact NOBLE’s budget for

fiscal year 2001. The situation was discussed at Executive Board last week and it was voted to maintain the

FY 2001 budget as previously approved. The assessments and budget will stay the same. Ron explained that

any difference in revenue will possibly be made up from additional subsidies in excess of projections, any

fiscal year 2000 surplus, and/or NOBLE capital funds. Anne Pound spoke briefly thanking everyone for their support during this time

9. ADJOURNMENT. Camilla Glynn made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Bonnie Strong seconded the

motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50.




Respectfully submitted,



Sue Koronowski
