
NOBLE’s OverDrive collection includes ebooks, audiobooks and magazines. Most ebooks and audiobook copies can only be checked out by one user at a time, so patrons may need to place holds and wait for some titles. We do have some Simultaneous Access audiobook collections, which can be checked out by any number of patrons at the same time, and a Simultaneous Access Magazine collection.

NOBLE participate in the Reciprocal Lending Agreement with other Massachusetts consortia. This means that library users from Minuteman, MVLC, CW MARS and the other consortia can check items out from our collection, and our users can use their NOBLE cards to log in to the other consortia’s sites and borrow their items. Patrons from within a consortium have holds priority over patrons visiting from other consortia. The Simultaneous Access collections are not included in the Reciprocal Lending Arrangement.

OverDrive Status

OverDrive Diversity Audit

OverDrive Advantage

NOBLE libraries may participate in the OverDrive Advantage Plus program, which gives your library with a way to fund copies that will be available to all users but with holds priority for your patrons. Advantage libraries do their own selection, and can choose additional copies for a title already in the collection, or can add new titles. Advantage orders are associated with the library’s billing account, and libraries pay OverDrive directly. NOBLE provides the cataloging for new titles.

Advantage libraries can also curate their own collections to supplement or replace the collections on NOBLE OverDrive site. Participating libraries have their own custom URL to point patrons directly to their curated page, and patrons who login through the NOBLE OverDrive site will get their library’s customized site when they log in. Libby will also display the library’s curated collections based on the library card used to login.

To join OverDrive Advantage, you need to order send in an enrollment form that includes an initial order of three copies. There’s no other cost to joining and no minimum number of copies you need to order to maintain your participation. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Thomsen, et@noblenet.org.

OverDrive Accounts and Selection

OverDrive Curation

OverDrive Statistics

NOBLE Dashboard: OverDrive Page — OverDrive checkout and collection statistics are posted monthly on the OverDrive page of the NOBLE Dashboard

Resources from Overdrive

  • Meet Libby — OverDrive’s interactive demo of the Libby app
  • OverDrive Help — OverDrive’s Help site with information, videos and other useful information for using OverDrive with different devices.
  • Marketing and Outreach — Promotional graphics and other resources

OverDrive Training

  • Upcoming Webinars — Sign up for scheduled live webinars (click on registration for the next instance of each webinar to see the list of scheduled dates
  • On Demand Webinars — Watch recorded webinars whenever you want
  • How-To Videos — Helpful videos with PDFs on MarketPlace, Libby and the OverDrive app
  • Training Kits — Resources for training patrons

NOBLE Presentations

  • OverDrive for Everyone
    June 23, 2022: This session was for everyone who wants to know more about our OverDrive collection and how it works, including what’s new and what’s coming soon, the end of the old OverDrive app, and more.
    Screencast | Slides

Overdrive News