Library Materials Faxes/Photocopies Total
Interlibrary loans RECEIVED FROM other libraries 19111 n/a 19111
Interlibrary Loans PROVIDED TO other libraries 20064 n/a 20064
ILL's Sent to Non-NOBLE Libraries  
(PCODE1 = b, c, m, n, s, w, t, r, o, d)  
ILL Card 34
Evergreen ILL Cards 2
ILL to outside MA 1
ILL to Southeast 1
ILL to MetroWest 1
Virtual Catalog (Evergreen)  
Virtual Catalog 531
ILL's Received from Non-NOBLE Libraries  
(ITYPE = 88-91, 93-96)  
Book - ILL Ret. from my Region 6
Book - ILL Ret. from Other Regio 102
Book - ILL Ret from Non-Region 3
Book - ILL Ret from Outside MA 85
Evergreen (circ modifier = ill) 3
Virtual Catalog 573
ILL's received from NOBLE libraries (Millennium) 16896
ILL's received from NOBLE libraries (Evergreen) 1443
ILL's sent to NOBLE libraries (Millennium) 17878
ILL's sent to NOBLE libraries (Evergreen) 1616