Library Materials Faxes/Photocopies Total
Interlibrary loans RECEIVED FROM other libraries 11783 n/a 11783
Interlibrary Loans PROVIDED TO other libraries 2089 n/a 2089
ILL's Sent to Non-NOBLE Libraries  
(PCODE1 = b, c, m, n, s, w, t, r, o, d)  
Virtual Catalog 24
ILL's Received from Non-NOBLE Libraries  
(ITYPE = 88-91, 93-96)  
Virtual Catalog 56
ILL's received from NOBLE libraries (Millennium) 10908
ILL's received from NOBLE libraries (Evergreen) 819
ILL's sent to NOBLE libraries (Millennium) 1966
ILL's sent to NOBLE libraries (Evergreen) 99