Resource Sharing Working Group

The Resource Sharing Working Group will assist in revising policies and standards to assure and improve the smooth functioning of resource sharing, and circulation in general. The sharing of resources was one of the founding principles of NOBLE, continues to be our hallmark service, and is key to the significant funding we receive from the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners.

Any recommendations the group may make will be forwarded to Executive Board. Any policy changes Executive Board recommends would be forwarded to the library directors at the Meeting of the Members for a vote.

All working group meetings are open to any interested library staff in NOBLE.

Members FY25

  • Valerie Gould Heithaus, Reading
  • Shilpa Jacobie, Danvers
  • Meaghan Kinton, Wakefield
  • Kadie LaFlamme, Merrimack College
  • Erin Lewis, Melrose
  • Max McConnell, Peabody
  • Laurie Souza, Endicott
  • Victoria Strand, Everett
  • Alan Thibeault, Saugus