NOBLE Executive Board Budget Meeting
Minutes of November 8, 2000
Present: Marjorie Hill-Devine, Deborah Abraham, Pat Cloherty, Dennis Kelley, Alyce Deveau, Doug Rendell, Ron Gagnon, Mary Rose Quinn
The meeting was called to order by Marjorie Hill-Devine at 2:10 pm. Deborah moved that the minutes of the October 11, 2000 NOBLE Executive Board Budget Meeting be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Dennis and the corrected minutes were approved unanimously. Deborah moved that the minutes of the September 12, 2000 NOBLE Executive Board Budget Meeting be approved. The motion was seconded by Dennis and the minutes were approved unanimously. Deborah moved that the minutes of the August 1, 2000 NOBLE Executive Board Budget Meeting be approved. The motion was seconded by Dennis and the minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer's Report: Ron updated the Board on budget expenditures to date. Deborah made a motion, seconded by Doug, to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. The vote to accept was unanimous.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron discussed the ongoing problem of PC's freezing. NOBLE was working with III to track the problem and to find a solution.
Ron updated the Board on the PC Support Specialist search. He announced that we would have to readvertise the position. There was a brief discussion among the group on possible candidates for the post.
The audit is nearing completion. The audit this year is more complicated due to the amount of LSTA grant money NOBLE received. The HVAC project is almost finished. The unit requires a sensor in the ducts for the alarm. Ron also discussed create list training and enhancements.
Internet Access Update: Ron updated the Board on the options facing NOBLE regarding Internet Service Providers.
Working Group Updates:
ERWG-The next meeting of the ERWG will be the first week in December.
New Members-The working group has scheduled a meeting to discuss various membership options and potential new members.
Brochure Committee-The group is looking at designs and scheduling interviews for December.
Database Quality-The group will hold its first meeting in early December.
There was a brief discussion concerning NOBLE's confidentiality policy and library confidentiality issues in general.
The meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn