NOBLE Executive Board Budget Meeting
Minutes of January 10, 2001
Present: Marjorie Hill-Devine, Deborah Abraham, Tom Scully, Dennis Kelley, Alyce Deveau, Doug Rendell, Camilla Glynn Healy, Ron Gagnon, Martha Driscoll, Bonnie Strong, and Mary Rose Quinn
The meeting was called to order by Marjorie Hill-Devine at 2:05 pm. Doug made a motion, seconded by Camilla, to accept the Executive Board minutes of December 13, 2000. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom distributed the budget spreadsheet which included expenditures through December 31st. he noted that we were half way through the fiscal year and less than half way through the budget. There was a brief discussion about heat, fuel and utility costs. Deborah made a motion, seconded by Camilla, to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The report was approved unanimously.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron reported that the audit found no serious problems. The audit this year is particularly stringent due to the Federal money. Ron noted that at the end of the report, the auditor suggested things NOBLE should think about including a physical inventory of equipment at Central Site and at remote locations. Tom made a motion, seconded by Camilla, to accept the auditors report. The report was accepted unanimously.
Ron announced that there would be a Statistics Town Meeting in January to discuss libraries’ statistics and report needs. The meeting will be for people who analyze statistics in each library. NOBLE will be holding a series of Collection Management Round Tables to demonstrate how "Reportster" helps libraries with designing shelf lists and weeding lists.
The new e-mail server was defective and had to be returned. There is LANDesk training for NOBLE staff planned soon. Programmers are working to fix the problems with management reports resulting from the latest III release.
Working Group Updates:
ERWG-Camilla updated the group on EBSCO title records in the database and on the MBLC’s purchase of NetLibrary titles for statewide use.
New Members-Tom discussed the issue of associate membership in NOBLE. There was some discussion about criteria for associates and what rights and responsibilities this type of membership would have. School and church libraries and museums were mentioned.
Brochure Committee-Marjorie announced that Susan Edwards of Extra Mile would be designing the new brochure for NOBLE. Susan asked the group to complete a 3-page "goal" document that would identify what we hoped to achieve with the brochure.
Database Quality-Tom reported that the group held a "memorable meeting" at which the "dreaded serials issue" was discussed.
Update on Pick Lists and Holds: Martha and Ron updated the Board on the status of the pick list and discussed a timeframe for implementation. There was a discussion concerning the definition of what constitutes a library’s local patron in situations where patrons are accessing the database and conducting transactions from remote locations.
Executive Board Meeting Page 2
January 10, 2001
The Board discussed further the Network’s request rules and what collections libraries would and would not send on network transfer or ILL. Martha would write the documentation for the pick list/hold procedures.
E-rate update: Ron recommended that NOBLE stay with Verizon for data, UMASSNET for Internet, and Dimension Data for maintenance. Camilla made a motion, seconded by Doug, to accept Ron’s recommendations. The Executive Board voted unanimously to stay with Verizon for data, UMASSNET for Internet, and Dimension Data for maintenance.
Doug moved and Camilla seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn, Secretary