NOBLE Executive Board
Minutes of
March 13, 2001
In Attendance: Marjorie Hill Devine, Alyce Deveau, Ron Gagnon, Camilla Glynn, Dennis Kelley, Tom Scully, Mary Rose Quinn.
Marjorie called the meeting to order at 2:10 pm.
Nominating Committee: The following people agreed to be on the Nominating Committee to recommend NOBLE Officers for the next Fiscal Year:
Barbara LaChance
Dennis Kelley
Sue Koronowski
Minutes: A motion was made by Dennis Kelley and seconded by Camilla Glynn to approve the February Executive Board Minutes as corrected. The motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: There was a brief discussion concerning insurance expenses. A motion was made by Camilla Glynn and seconded by Alyce Deveau to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron discussed the progress being made on the Web Server. The database cleanup project involving EBSCO records is moving ahead. There was a brief discussion of general material designations (GMDs) and the linking of database records directly to articles in EBSCO databases. Ron reported that NOBLE’s system grant report is due April 1st. there was some discussion of E-rate and Block Grants and filtering issues. There is an ILL meeting on April 5th. Ron informed the group that there had been a gas leak in the office park in recent days. NOBLE was without heat until the problem was corrected. The Lynn Library Branches will be online as of January 1, 2002. Elizabeth attended Computers in Libraries. III is still in "turnkey" mode which means the system is not as flexible or customizable as we would like. Training on records and load tables will take place later in the month. III is willing to work with consortia like NOBLE.
Committee Reports:
Brochure Committee: There was a lengthy discussion about Mile High Design and the progress made on the new NOBLE brochure. There was a great deal of concern expressed over the limited use rights NOBLE would receive and retain over the design elements in the brochure. Additionally, the group discussed printing the brochure and including inserts local libraries might wish to include.
New Members Committee: Tom Scully reported on the progress the committee has made and the issues they have addressed. The focus has been on identifying potential new members, on considering associate memberships, and on discussing the possibility of including school and special libraries in NOBLE. There was a brief discussion about circulating v non-circulating collections.
ERWG: Camilla reported that the group had not met since the last Executive Board Meeting. ERWG’s next meeting is scheduled for April 12th.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. The next meeting has been scheduled for April 11th at 9:30 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn,