Minutes of
April 11, 2001
Attendance: Marjorie Hill
Devine, Camilla Glynn, Ron Gagnon, Dennis Kelley, Doug Rendell, Tom Scully,
Elizabeth Thomsen, Martha Driscoll, Mary Anne Doyle.
Call to order: Marjorie called the meeting to order at 9:40 am.
Treasurer’s Report: There was a discussion about the travel portion of the budget. As a result of numerous III training sessions, travel and conference spending will be over budget next month but there is enough money in the overall line A motion was made by Camilla and seconded by Doug to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Virtual Catalog Project: The Executive Board heard from Mary Anne Doyle of the Boston Library Consortium regarding the MBLC funded Virtual Catalog Project which will link Massachusetts’ library systems. She distributed copies of the URL so that the Board could try out the catalog and handouts of her Power Point presentation. The Virtual Catalog project has been established so that with one piece of software, there will be seamless access to all of the diverse catalogs in the State and patrons will be able to place requests for material directly. Until recently, the technology has not been able to allow the systems to interact using a single interface. This will facilitate resource sharing and further automate the ILL process. The Minuteman Library Network has been actively involved in this project. Mary Anne discussed the details of the project and demonstrated some of the key features. Discussion followed regarding NOBLE’s role and involvement in the project. Training and statistics were also mentioned.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron distributed two handouts, an outline and brief report on the III consortia meeting. Twelve consortia from across the country met to discuss issues related to larger group networks. Ron noted that NOBLE is really a vendor. Libraries are NOBLE’s customers and NOBLE is IIIs customer. Large consortia have a different set of problems and issues than smaller networks or stand-alone customers.
Elizabeth commented that the sessions related to holds were extremely helpful. She noted that III was sympathetic to our interest in having more access to the system and more flexibility in configuring it to fit our needs.
Ron also announced training sessions and round table meetings upcoming at NOBLE. There was a brief discussion about the positive response to the Novelist and readers’ advisory meetings.
Ron met with Greg Pronevitz regarding the NOBLE ILL contract. He said that NMRLS will be using NOBLE’s training room less because they have their own room now. Ron also detailed the meetings and training sessions he and Elizabeth have recently attended.
Ron detailed the new regulations for e-rate related to filtering laws. We will have to decide whether or not to apply for e-rate discounts for Internet access and internal connections.
Patron Placed Holds: Ron handed out a packet of information from the Board of Library Commissioners which promoted patron services in the online catalogs throughout the State. Patron placed holds is something the MBLC is encouraging. Due to the success of the patron services already implemented, the group discussed a possible date for implementing patron placed holds. Elizabeth demonstrated the process for the Board. The group decided to recommend a July 1st date to begin. Colleges will have slowed down after the semester. Statistics for the public libraries will reflect the new fiscal year. There was a brief discussion of the impact on delivery, how this process fits in with the virtual catalog, the possible increase in the number of holds, and various other workflow issues.
Update on Working Groups:
Brochure Committee: The Brochure Committee will meet in July to discuss reopening the search for a graphic designer. The committee and the original designer could not work out a mutually acceptable agreement.
New Members Committee: Tom Scully made a list of all the potential libraries in the area including school and special libraries. There was a brief discussion about hospital libraries and about structuring associate memberships. The committee has not met since the last Executive meeting.
ERWG: ERWG will meet tomorrow in Wakefield.
Tom made a motion, seconded by Doug to adjourn the meeting at 12:28 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn,