Minutes of
August 8, 2001
Attendance: Deborah Abraham, Linda
Hummel-Shea, Ron Gagnon, Camilla Glynn, Doug Rendell, Tom Scully, Mary Rose
Call to order: Deborah called the meeting to order at 2:15 pm. Deborah asked that the Minutes reflect a thank you to Salem for running the Network bid procedures again this year. A meeting with the “Holds Committee” had just concluded. Martha is drafting a “purchase alert” form so that libraries will be notified about the need to purchase additional copies of a title to meet local demand.
Minutes: Camilla made a motion, seconded by Tom to accept the Minutes of the March Executive Board Meeting. The Board accepted the Minutes as corrected. Camilla made a motion, seconded by Tom to accept the Minutes of the June Executive Board Meeting. The Board accepted the Minutes as corrected.
Committee Appointments/Reappointments: Deborah distributed a list of the current committees and working groups. The groups include Database Quality, Electronic Resources Working Group, Holds, and Brochure Committee. There was a brief discussion about the formation of a personnel committee. Tom made a motion, seconded by Camilla, to approve the committees and committee appointees for the current fiscal year. The vote was unanimous. Deborah also asked for volunteers for a Personnel Committee.
Treasurer’s Report: There was a brief discussion about the charges on this fiscal year that belong on last year’s report. Ron explained that it often takes a few months for the accounting to straighten out due to billing procedures, especially with OCLC and MARC records. A motion was made by Camilla and seconded by Linda to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron announced that the Network’s E-Rate request had been approved. He is still waiting for Verizon the straighten out their billing system between the old lines and the new. NOBLE has $70,000 in credits on the old lines and $50,000 in new tariffs. The department holding the credits cannot communicate directly with the department holding the bills. Verizon will not issue a credit directly to us since we owe them too much money.
Ron has sent contracts to the colleges. Six of the nine have responded. He is waiting to receive the contract on the Public Library members and will send bills later this month.
Executive Board Page 2
August 8, 2001
Elizabeth is working on setting up an annual training schedule. Central Site staff is still trying to work out a few issues from the new release last Monday. The ILL contract has been signed and is in effect through 2005.
Ron reviewed last year’s Objectives and handed out a draft copy of FY 2002’s Objectives. The document includes discussion of Serials and Acquisitions, ARIS statistics, wireless networks, reorganization of Member Services work area, and the Digitization Grant proposal. Linda made a motion to accept the Objectives, seconded by Camilla. The motion carried unanimously. Doug made a motion, seconded by Camilla, to have Ron pursue the grant application for the digitization project. The motion carried unanimously.
Update on Working Groups:
Brochure Committee: The Brochure Committee will meet with potential designers on September 7th at 1:00 pm at NOBLE.
ERWG: ERWG is moving along with cataloguing websites.
Doug made a motion, seconded by Camilla to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn,