Minutes of
the FY 2003 Budget Discussion
of September 6, 2001
Attendance: Deborah Abraham,
Marjorie Hill-Devine, Linda Hummel-Shea, Ron Gagnon, Doug Rendell, Tom Scully,
Sue Koronowski, and Mary Rose Quinn.
Call to order: Deborah called the meeting to order at 2:15 pm.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Scully reported that the current budget was 20% expended. There was a brief discussion about what is included in the miscellaneous line which is at 48%. Doug made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Linda. The Board voted unanimously to accept the Report.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron distributed the FY 2003 and the revised 2002 budget documents. He explained that the budget increase adhered to CPI plus 2%. The cost associated with the Bradford closing has been passed on to the remaining member libraries. Last year, half of the cost was underwritten by the Capital budget fund. Doug asked how the Lynn Branches project would affect the budget. Ron explained that there was a small offset. The Board again revisited the discussion concerning attracting new members.
Ron explained the wages and salary and payroll costs, the FY 2003 Library Assessments, the 2003 Base Budget, the costs distributed per staff user, and the PC Support and ILL Center budgets. There was some discussion concerning the percentage increases for individual libraries, occupancy costs including utility bills, and the ILL Center costs and credits. Ron noted that Central Site would probably need a new photocopy machine in the near future. A brief discussion about capital projects followed.
The Board discussed the State Budget situation. Ron noted that the House version was substantially lower than the Senate. The Board discussed the importance of the Senate version passing for this fiscal year.
Linda made a motion to accept the 2002 revised budget. Sue seconded the motion which was approved unanimously.
After a lengthy discussion of all of the points of the proposed 2003 Budget, Marjorie made a motion to accept the FY 2003 budget proposal for presentation at the September Members Meeting. The motion was seconded by Doug and was approved unanimously by the Executive Board.
Doug made a motion, seconded by Marjorie to adjourn and agreed to by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn,