Minutes of
October 10, 2001
Attendance: Deborah Abraham,
Linda Hummel-Shea, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Ron Gagnon, Doug Rendell, Tom Cesarz,
Mary Rose Quinn.
Call to order: Deborah called the meeting to order at 2:15 pm. Doug Rendell complimented Ron Gagnon on his presentation at the Danvers’ Kiwanis meeting. He suggested that libraries should consider having Ron speak in their communities as part of an effort to publicize NOBLE.
Minutes: Tom Cesarz made a motion, seconded by Doug Rendell to accept the Minutes of August 8, 2001 and the Minutes of the September 6, 2001 Budget meeting. The Minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: A motion was made by Doug Rendell and seconded by Linda Hummel-Shea to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron reported that the audit was underway. The auditors had visited twice to date and were reviewing the grant reports. NOBLE has received two grants, $10,400 for MARC conversion project and $18,735 for telecommunications equipment for the Lynn branches. Ron has also filed the application for the $13,386 digitization project.
Ron discussed the security breach and the virus problems that have plagued NOBLE in recent weeks. There have also been problems associated with UMASS and Internet connectivity. We have received a credit from UMASS due to the problems.
There were brief discussions concerning the LSTA reauthorization, Dimension Data v. Atrion as service providers, and the BPL e-rate audit.
The group discussed the budget presentation from September’s Members’ Meeting and planned for the roll call vote in October.
Ron noted that it was time for NOBLE to redo the Strategic Plan. The current plan has expired. He recommended that NOBLE use a facilitator to begin the planning process. There was some discussion of possible facilitators and names of people who should be included in the planning process.
Deborah asked the Executive Board to consider creating a committee to look at the implications of wireless technology for the NOBLE network. The committee would establish standards and guidelines and discuss security and compatibility issues.
Update on Working Groups:
Holds Committee: Tom Cesarz reported that the Holds Committee met earlier in the week. The two major issues the group discussed concerned the use of e-mail to request books for book discussion groups and the use of the status, DISPLAY. The group is recommending a limit on the time libraries should keep material on display. They also want libraries to place multiple holds on titles for book groups in order to utilize the hold system properly. He will write a report with the group’s recommendations.
Brochure Committee: The Brochure Committee is in the process of developing concepts and will meet in Melrose on October 12th to review three options.
ERWG: ERWG will meet tomorrow.
Doug made a motion, seconded by Tom to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn,