Minutes of
December 12, 2001
Attendance: Deborah Abraham,
Linda Hummel-Shea, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Ron Gagnon, Doug Rendell, Tom Cesarz,
Camilla Glynn, Sue Koronowski, Martha Driscoll, Mary Rose Quinn.
Call to order: Deborah called the meeting to order at 2:08 pm.
Minutes: Tom Cesarz made a motion, seconded by Doug Rendell to accept the Minutes of April 11, 2001and the Minutes of the October 10, 2001 meetings. The Minutes of the April meeting were approved unanimously as corrected and the October minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: A motion was made by Tom Cesarz and seconded by Camilla Glynn to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Ron noted that we are running under budget. We have spent approximately 34%. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Audit Report: A motion was made by Tom Cesarz and seconded by Camilla Glynn to accept the Audit Report. Ron reported that the audit was less rigorous than last year. Last year the auditor reviewed the reports related to the federal grant monies. There were no problems found in the audit. Ron is waiting for final numbers to report on the surplus. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron reported that the Lynn branches are coming online. The project appears to be on schedule for the first of the year.
We have received the second half of the e-rate subsidy for data lines from Verizon for $13,289. Umass and Verizon will submit bids for Internet service. Data lines continue under State contract. We will be switching to Verizon for long-distance services July 1st to simplify billing.
Martha will be indexing meeting minutes on the Staff Information System. The indexing is underway but not completed at this time. A team from Central Site is planning to visit three libraries identified in the Acquisitions survey to gather information about the ordering procedures to see how they will fit with the III system. Visits to Merrimack, Danvers, and Saugus are planned.
Executive Board Page 2
December 12, 2001
Lynn Public Library is transferring its website to the NOBLE server on December 17th. Reading will move their site soon.
NOBLE has entered Innovative’s “Be Innovative!” contest. Our entry includes the collection management package using macros in Reportster and Create Lists software.
Brochure Update: The Board reviewed the layout, photography, and copy for the new NOBLE brochure. The wording was discussed at length and a final draft of the text was completed for the designers. The logo design options were also presented and discussed.
Framework of Strategic Plan: Marshall Keys will be the facilitator for NOBLE’s Strategic Planning session on January 16th. The attendees will be made up of Library Directors or their designees and several Staff from the various libraries and departments suggested by the Executive Board. Ron asked the Board to send our recommendations to him within the next week. The session will be the day after the NMRLS Advocacy Workshop. Executive Board members discussed possible topics for the plan and possible outcomes for the day. The group agreed that each member should take extensive notes during the planning session. The Board briefly discussed what steps would follow the January 16th meeting.
Update on Working Groups: See brochure update above. The Holds Committee is waiting to resolve the “volume” issue before meeting again. The work already completed will be voted on at December’s Membership Meeting.
Harmonious loan rules: There was a lengthy but cordial discussion about the various loan rules in NOBLE libraries and, what, if any, impact the differences had on a library’s ability to meet the needs of its patrons. Confusion over fines was discussed. The group decided to have Membership look at the issues and include Circulation people in the discussion.
Marjorie Hill-Devine made a motion, seconded by Sue Koronowski to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn,