Minutes of
January 9, 2002
Attendance: Deborah Abraham,
Linda Hummel-Shea, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Ron Gagnon, Doug Rendell, Tom Cesarz,
Camilla Glynn Healey, Sue Koronowski, Mary Rose Quinn.
Call to order: Deborah called the meeting to order at 2:10 pm.
Minutes: Tom Cesarz made a motion, seconded by Doug Rendell to accept the Minutes of the December 12th minutes. The Minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: A motion was made by Tom Cesarz and seconded by Camilla Glynn Healey to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Ron noted that we are still low on personnel. NOBLE still needs to add a part time cataloger. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron reported that the Lynn branches will be going online on Monday. Deborah will send congratulations to Lynn.
Acquisitions training is underway. NOBLE staff still have more library visits planned to observe process in real library situations. Elizabeth will train libraries one at a time as she did with serials. Elizabeth will be attending ALA Midwinter and will be doing three sessions of Millennium Create List workshops at the Innovative Users Group meeting in Houston in late April.
Ron noted that an employee incentive was added to the last revision of the Employee Handbook to minimize sick leave. Four employees met the standard by taking no sick leave in 2001. All chose to take extra pay totaling $2,076 rather than 3 additional days vacation.
The Planning Process: Ron reported that he had spoken with Marshal Keys a few times to date. We will be using ASCLAs Strategic Planning for Multitype Library Cooperatives. Ron distributed handouts from the document. Marshall indicated that he feels our mission statement needs to be revised. There was a brief discussion about the SWOT methodology and the framework of the meeting. Marshall will take notes and provide the group with a report. From the material we should be able to discern a direction for the goals and objectives. The meeting will include approximately 50 attendees from NOBLE libraries and NOBLE staff.
Financial Update: Ron stated that the e-rate form 471 is due. There are few changes. Most noteworthy is the addition of the 3 Lynn branches with their 71% discount rate. This brings the NOBLE average from 48% to 51% ($2,500). We will be switching to Genuity as our Internet Provider. They are a Tier One provider. We will probably also be switching from Dimension Data to Atrion next fiscal year. There is a financial savings with this move and many of the Atrion people are former Dimension Data staff, familiar with our operation. SAILS is pleased with the services. Our current telecommunications equipment is 5 years old. We need to apply for funds in next year’s grant cycle to upgrade.
Working Groups:
There will be one final review of the brochure before it is readied for the printer. The Holds Committee is waiting to resolve the “volume” issue before meeting again. Database Quality will meet again on January 15th. the Wireless group met to discuss issues related to security, access, and implementation. Deborah is putting together a Q&A page. There was a brief but cordial review about the equally pleasant discussion at December’s Members’ Meeting regarding the various loan rules in NOBLE libraries. The Board discussed waiving fines and/or setting loan rules at each library on an individual case by case basis. It was determined that there is no easy, comfortable solution to the problem.
Tom Cesarz made a motion, seconded by Camilla Glynn Healey to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 3:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn,